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二学位 Noun interpretation 1. psychological process: cognitive process, emotional process, will process, collectively referred to as the psychological process. 2. personality psychology: the external manifestation of personality, including ability, temperament and personality. 3. neurons: what we call nerve cells, the basic unit of nerve regulating the activity of life 4. reflex arc: the entire structure of reflection is called reflex arc, which includes receptors, sensory neurons, contact neurons, motor neurons, effectors 5., second signal system: the conditional reflex formed by the use of words as a conditioned stimulus is called the second signal system. 6., the future attention: both the purpose and the will, no effort to pay attention, called intentionally after attention. (also called casual attention.) 7. flash fusion: intermittent flash, because of the increase in frequency, people will get fusion feeling, this phenomenon is called flash fusion 8. spatial perception: the representation of the spatial characteristics of objects in the human brain, including shape perception, Ooko Chi, depth perception, orientation perception, etc.. 9. logical memory: the memory of the content of logical thinking summed up in words 10. short term memory: memory that is maintained within 1 minutes of information. Also called working memory. 11. abstract logical thinking: 12. reconstruction Imagination: the process of forming a new image in the mind according to the description and hint of words or symbols. The 13. concept reflects the essential attributes of activities and the essential relations between them. 14. mood: is a weak, longer duration, with a diffuse psychological state. 15., frustration: refers to the individual will, behavior by insurmountable interference or obstruction, the target can not be achieved, is produced by a tense and emotional response, that is, as the saying goes, hit nails. 16., moral sense: according to a certain moral standards to evaluate peoples t



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