高一英语必修二_unit1_单词语言点 2.ppt

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高一英语必修二_unit1_单词语言点 2

Exercise: Dont ____my mouse ____unless you make sure you can put it together. A. take; out B. fall; apart C. set; down D. take; apart D trial n. 审讯;审判;试验 常见搭配: on trial 在审讯中;在试验中 by trial and error 反复试验;在失败中找出解决方法 e.g 他通过反复试验获得了成功。 He succeeded by trial and error. explode v. ①爆炸;爆破;爆裂 e.g 那个爆竹在他手里爆炸了。 The firecracker exploded in his hand. ②(指感情)迸发 ,常与介词with, in, into连用 explode with laughter explode with anger 哄然大笑 勃然大怒 注:explode无被动语态。 explosion n. 爆炸(声);迸发 explosive adj. 爆炸性的;易爆的;暴躁的;猛增的 think highly of 看重;器重;对······评价很高/赞赏······ =think much/well/ a lot of e.g 他很器重他女儿。 He thinks highly/a lot/well of his daughter. think little/poorly/badly/nothing/ lowly of 不器重;不重视 注:用于被动时,副词要提到动词前。 他被他的老板高度赞扬。 He was highly thought of by his boss. e.g 所有的游客对她的服务评价不高。 All visitors thought little/poor/lowly of her service. debate n.辩论;讨论 vt. 争论;辩论 常见搭配: have/hold a debate 举行一次辩论 under debate 在辩论中 the debate on ..... 关于······的辩论 a lively/heated debate 一场活跃的/激烈的辩论 Words and expressions 1.rare adj. 稀罕的;稀有的;珍贵的 熊猫是稀有动物,需要得到保护。 e.g Pandas are rare animals, which need protection. It is rare for sb. to do sth. 某人难得/很少做某事 e.g 他很少不按时交作业。 It is rare for him not to hand in his homework on time. rarely adv. 不常;很少;难得 注:rarely, seldom, never等表示否定意义的副词用于句首时,句子用部分倒装(即一般疑问句形式) e.g I have rarely seen such a beautiful sunset. She rarely turned to us for help. Rarely did she turn to us for help. 2.valuable adj. 贵重的;有价值的 e.g 我想要你给我一些有价值的建议。 I want you to give me some valuable advice. 短语:be valuable to(prep.)... 对······有价值 你的建议对我很有价值。 Your advice is very valuable to me. value n. 价值;重要性 Your advice is of value to me. valueless adj. 无价值的;没用的 survive ⑴ vi. 幸存;生存;生还 A car accident happened to him yesterday, but luckily, he survived. 昨天他遭遇了车祸,但幸运的是他活了下来。 短语:survive on…..靠….生存 survive from... 从······中


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