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2009 3 Vol. 27 No. 2 M arch 2009 Ch inese J ourna l of Chrom atog rap hy 169~ 175 - 29 * 邹西梅, 林竹光 , 彭淑女, 陈招斌 ( , 361005) : 3 29- (GC-EI/M ), - ( 11) Florisil-( 955) , (TPP), GC-EI/M ( IM ) 20, 50, 100 g/kg, 70% ~ 110%, 2% ~ 8% ; (LOD) 185, 174 254 g/ kg, 26 LOD 08g/kg; 50~ 5000 g/ kg, 09994 3 29 : -; ; ; ; ; : O658 : A : 1000-8713(2009)02-0169-07 : Determination of29 pesticideresidues in tobacco by gas chromatography-electron impact ionizationmass spectrometry * ZOU X mi ei, LIN Zhuguang , PENG hun, CHEN Zhaobin (Departm en t of Chem istry an d theKey aboratory of Analytical Scien ces of theM in istry of Edu cation, College of Chem istry and Chem ica l En gin eer in g, Xiam en Un iversity , Xiam en 361005, Chin a ) Abstract: A m ethodw as developed for rapid determ ination of 29 pesticide residues in tobacco based on gas chrom atography coupled w ith electron mi pact ionization mass spectrometric detection (GC-EI/M ). A fter the optmi ization of different param eters, such as the extraction solvent, elution solvent, purificant, pesticides were extracted from tobacco w ith hexane- acetone ( 11, v/v) in an ultrasonic bath, cleaned-up on a column, packed w ith Florisil and neutral alum ina, eluted w ith dichloromethane-hexane (955, v/v), and then determ ined by GC-EI/M in the selected ion monitoringmode ( IM ) w ith triphenylphosphate (TPP) as inter- nal standard. The recoveries were performed at 20, 50 and 100 g/kg fortification levels for each pesticide, and the recoveries


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