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水冷散热器 Liquid Cooling Plate 产品简述 (Product Profile) 水冷散热器是一种IGBT、GTO等功率元件高效散热器,控制功率模块的温度,使其 在所处的工作环境条件下不超过标准及规范所规定的最高温度,最高允许温度的计算以有 限元热分析与元器件工作条件分析为基础,并且与产品的可靠性要求及使用环境要求相一 致。从而达到功率模块安全、稳定可靠性运行及延长设备使用寿命。 LCP serves as a highly effective heat sink for power modules like IGBT/GTO to control the temperature of their working conditions under the upper limit specified in the standards and norms. The calculation of the upper temperature limit is based on Finite Element Analysis and the working condition analysis of the components. Besides,this calculation should be in line with requirements for the production reliability and operating condition, which ensures the safety and stability of the power modules and extends the service life of the equipment. 产品参数 (Product Parameters) 尺寸 长度 (Length)*宽度 (Width)*厚度(Thickness) :1250*800*60mm Size range 本色 (Natural color) 阳极氧化 (Anodic oxidation) 发黑 (Black oxide coating) 表面处理 Surface treatment 镀镍 (Nickel plating) 镀铬 (Chrome plating) 平面度 Planeness 0.05(100×100)mm 粗糙度 Roughness 1.6μm 接头方式 Connector pattern 真空钎焊或者氩弧焊 (Vacuum brazing or argon arc welding) 冷却液温度(℃) Inlet temperature 零下30℃至60℃ (-30℃~60℃) 冷却剂 Coolant 纯水或者水与乙二醇的混合液 (Pure water or a mixture of water and glycol) 流量(LPM) 80L/min Flow rate 液冷板表面温升(℃) 30℃ Temperature rise 最大工作压力(MPa) Max. operating pressure 0.6MPa3.0MPa 发热量 30kW


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