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專輯 通過原位電子束定域輻照研究的0 包覆Pb 核­ 殼納米粒子的晶化、凝固與納米流體過程 賀龍兵宋鳳麒劉元君葛海雄韓民 南京大學固體微結構物理國家重點實驗室南京大學材料科學與工程系 the above processes in nanotechnology is also Abstract: discussed briefly. In this paper, the c可stal growth , phase 摘要: transition and related thermodynamics and kinetics at the nanoscale is investigated based 本文以PbIPbO核殼納米粒子為研究物 on in-situ heating and eroding ofPblPbO core- 件,在透射電子顯微鏡中利用聚焦電子束進 shell nanopartic1es with a focused electron 行原位局域加熱、侵蝕等處理,研究其納米 beam in a transmission electron microscope 尺度的生長、相變以及相關的熱力學與動力 (TEM) . The crystallization ofthe amorphous 學過程。通過電子束的加熱效應實現了 Pb lead nano-core induced by the heating effect 納米芯核的晶化,並利用衍射襯度標定出核 under the electron beam irradiation was ob- 殼納米晶氧化物殼層的厚度。通過調節電子 served. The distinguishable boundary between 束強度,原位引導並觀察了PbO納米殼層 the Pb nanocrystal and the amorphous PbO 包覆Pb納米粒子的液化、分解、凝固與再 shell produces clear contrast in TEM image , 結晶的系列過程。利用納米電子束的灘射效 TAO which can be used to measure the thickness 應對氧化物殼層進行了加工,實現了 PbO of the PbO shell. By tuning the intensity of 包里的Pb納米核液化並定向噴流形成納米 the focused electron beam irradiation,melting , 流體,並對納米殼層的穩定性進行了分析。 splitting , solidification as well as recrystalliza- 論文還對上述過程在納米技術上的可能應用 tion of the PbO-coated Pb nanoparticles was 進行了簡要的討論。 induced and observed on real time. The electron 引言 nano-beam was also used to selectively erode the PbO nano-shell and melt the Pb nano-core , 核﹒殼結構複合納米粒子在過去二十多 which generates nanoscale metal fluid direc- 年中受到多個研究領域的廣泛關注。通過在 tionally effusing through the cracked oxide 納米粒子表面包里納米殼層,可對其物理和 shell. The stability ofthe oxide nanos hell was 化學性質產生有效的調製和裁剪,產生許多 also analyzed. And the


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