高二英语选修6 unit5 Reading 杨湛.ppt

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高二英语选修6 unit5 Reading 杨湛

选修6 Unit 5 Reading: An Exciting Job 华中师大一附中博乐分校高二英语组 杨 湛 Volcano 3. Have you ever seen a volcano? Active volcano Dormant volcano Extinct volcano What is a volcanologist’s work like? Unit 5 An Exciting Job Skimming Skim the text and answer the following questions. What does the writer do? What did he first see in Hawaii? He is a volcanologist working in Hawaii. He mainly collects information about Mount Kilauea. He first saw the volcano eruption. Scanning (the main idea of each paragraph) Para.1 The writer describes his job and its importance. Para.2 The writer describes his first closer look at a volcano eruption. Para.3 The writer describes his first sight of volcano eruption. Para.4 The writer expresses his love for his job and why he loves it. Para.5 The writer states again his love for his work and volcanoes. A B The writer Profession Volcanologist Job ◆ Travels to 1______ places and work 2________ people from all over the world. ◆ Helps to protect people from the 3________ . ◆4_______ information about Mount Kilauea. unusual alongside volcano Collects Para1 and 2 Careful reading The writer Profession Volcanologist Job ◆ Helps other scientists to 5_______ where lava from the volcano will flow next and how fast it will flow. predict Para 3:True (T) or false (F) : 1: The lava flows slowly down the mountain and buries everything in its path.( ) 2:The actual eruption is more dangerous than the lava that flows on Mount Kilauea. ( ) 3: It was on the second day after the author arrived in Hawaii that he first witnessed the eruption of the volcano. ( ) 4:The writer realized that an eruption occurred before his bed began shaking. ( ) F T F F 1 Why did the other two scientists climb down into the volcano after eruption? The scientists needed to collect some lava for later study . para4 2. What did all the scientists do after



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