高级综合商务英语1 彭青龙 Unit 5 Creativity and Innovation.ppt

高级综合商务英语1 彭青龙 Unit 5 Creativity and Innovation.ppt

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高级综合商务英语1 彭青龙 Unit 5 Creativity and Innovation

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/3532338/Thinking-outside-the-box-is-most-despised-business-jargon.html I-bike Exercises Speaking One Exercises Speaking Nulla Exercises Speaking Step two: Brainstorm positive and potentially negative product features. Step three: Work out profiles of potential customers. Fill in the form on the next slide. Exercises Speaking 改为potential Product: __________ MAIN PRODUCT FEATURES CUSTOMER PROFILE Positive features: Potentially negative features: Age group: Sex: Annual Income: Personality and Lifestyle: Keys Creativity can be regarded as the process of thinking up new things and concepts. Innovation is the process of converting those thoughts into tangible things. In summary, creativity is generating ideas and innovation is bringing these ideas to life. Keys 1) A metaphorical business jargon that means to think differently, unconventionally, or from a creative and novel perspective. 2) Employees deliberately use this term to impress their bosses, which is seen as an intolerable act of buffling. The similar business jargon is “blue-sky thinking” which means open-minded thinking. Product: I-bike MAIN PRODUCT FEATURES CUSTOMER PROFILE Postive features: kinetics-driven, environment-friendly, multi-functional, user-friendly etc. Potentially negative features: overly sophisticated; expensive; theft-prone 改为potential Product: I-bike MAIN PRODUCT FEATURES CUSTOMER PROFILE Age group: young adults and middle-aged people (approximately 20-60) Sex: both Annual income: middle class or above (approximately above 150,000 RMB) Personality and Lifestyle: dynamic, athletic; aware of environmental protection; tech-junkie etc. 2. Debate 1) Creativity is born rather than acquired. Affirmative: Creativity is an innate quality. Negative: Creativity is nurtured rather than natural. Brainstorm convincing thoughts in favor of your team. Exercises Debate 原稿中每换一行就有一个项目符号(小圆点),这是PPT


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