高级英语5 教案 unit3.doc

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高级英语5 教案 unit3

Unit 3 Text I: My Friend, Albert Einstein ???????????????????????????? Banesh Hoffmann I)????????????????? Pre-reading Brainstorming: What do you know about Einstein? What was he like? How do you think Hoffmann describes Einstein as his friend? * Hoffmann takes a different perspective. He tries to reveal some of the less well-known aspects of Einstein’s personality, traits that characterize him more as a man than as a scientific genius. Note: * Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: 1756-1791, Austrian composer, one of the world’s greatest musical geniuses. ?????? Ludwig van Beethoven: 1770-1827, German composer, was one of music’s greatest geniuses. ?????? The Nobel Prize: Alfred Bernhard Nobel (1838-1896), a distinguished Swedish chemist and industrialist, provided for the award of Nobel Prize in the field of physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, and peace, regardless of nationality. ????? The Nazis: Nazism is a political doctrine of racial supremacy, nationalism, and dictatorship. Nazi is an abbreviation of German word for National Socialism. ?????? I)????????????????? Comprehension: 1)????? Main Idea: This profile (short, vivid biography, briefly outlining a person’s most outstanding characteristics: his ability, personality, or career) is mainly about Einstein’s personality and his incomparable contributions to science. 2)??? Purpose of writing and Tone: The purpose is to illustrate with anecdotes some characteristic features of Einstein both as a man and as a scientist. 3)??? Organization and Development: ? Introduction (P1): Using the word “simplicity” to begin the illustration of Einstein’s essence Body (P2-19): P2-4: About his modesty; P5-7: Einstein’s brief life history and his two great theories; P8-11: About his concentration on work; P12-13: About his love of natural simplicity; P14-16: About his academic courage; P17-18: About his sense of justice; P19: About his youthful innocence; Conclusion: (P20) ? ?Summing up what it means to have kno


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