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第八章 文体与翻译 一、公文文体的翻译 (Translation of official documents) 1、公文文体的范畴: 公文主要包括政府发布的各种公告,宣言,规章,法令,通告,启事,通报,指令及各类法律文书;又指正式的信函,合同,协议,契约等。 2、公文文体特点: 1) 措词准确 发布公文的目的一般在于解释或阐明公文发布者的立场,观点或政策,措施,因此公文在措词上必须准确明晰,切忌模棱两可或含糊晦涩. 2)用词正式、庄重(solemnity)、典雅(dignity) 公文作为政府或职能部门所发布的文章,需具有其权威性,规范性.因此在用词上一般较为正式,并且不排除使用一些较为古雅的词 (如hereinafter, hereof, herewith等等). 3) 普通词多有特定意义 许多普通的词在公文体中常常具有其特定的意义. 如allowance一词通常指允许,津贴,而在经贸合同中则多指折扣. 4) 格式规范(standardized format) 5) 长句,复杂句较多 句法结构方面结构严密,无省略,重复多,长句多,语法关系显得复杂。 3、翻译公文文体注意的问题: 1)翻译公文文体要严肃认真、严密准确、措辞得当、不能含混其词,不能随意增删。   Yu XX, this court has made a judgment of divorce between you and Wang XX. You are requested to receive the judgment at this court within sixty days starting from the publishing date of this announcement. Otherwise, the verdict would be deemed to have been served. 余XX,本院已做出你和王XX的离婚判决,自本公告发出之日起60天内要求你到本院领取判决书。否则,视为送达。 Modification, dissolution or termination of a contract does not deprive a party of the right to claim for damage. 合同的变更、解除或终止,不影响当事人要求赔偿损失的权利。 In accordance with the stipulations of “the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Joint Ventures using Chinese and Foreign Investment” and other related laws and rules, and on the basis of mutual benefit, xx of the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) and xx of xx, both agree to establish a joint venture enterprise with joint investment and hereby sign this contract. 中国 XX公司与XX国XX公司遵照《中华人民共和国中外合资经营法》及有关法律规定,本着平等互利的原则,同意共同投资兴办合资经营企业,兹签订本合同。   Article 33 The State shall , in light of the needs for the development of foreign trade , set up and improve financial institutions in service of foreign trade and establish development fund and risk fund for foreign trade. 第三十三条 国家根据对外贸易发展的需要,建立和完善为对外贸易服务的金融机构,设立对外贸易发展基金、风险基金。 Set pattern: This Agreement is signed in _, on _ ,_, by and between _ (hereinafter called “Party A”) and _ , (herein


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