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Detecting MO in Foods Aims To understand the traditional methods and rapid methods for detecting microorganisms in foods To understand the principles, advantages, limits, and application for each detecting method To understand the issues of the metabolically injured microorganisms (MO) and the viable but non-cultivable MO (VBNC) Outline Homogenization methods Standard plate count (SPC) Spiral plate count Membrane filtration methods Microscope plate count Petrifilm MPN Direct microscopic count Dye reduction test Detecting MO on surfaces Metabolically injured microorganisms Viable but non-cultivable microorganisms (VBNC) Phisical, chemical, molecular, and immunological methods § 均質法(Homogenization methods) Waring Blendor vs. Stomacher Waring Blendor 為廣泛使用方法(除了有刺、尖銳之食品外), 優點: 1. 免於清洗、殺菌操作 2. 正常操作時間內(≦2 min)不生熱,不影響菌數 3. 噪音低 均質液易貯藏 5. 不會引起食品組織(細胞)之高度破碎,容易吸取樣品,而且,降低來自食品組成份之干擾(尤其在非SPC偵測法) 9-1 § 標準平板法〔Standard Plate Count (SPC)〕,活菌數 1. 計數:25 ~ 250 cfu(或30 ~ 300 cfu) 2. 假設: (1) 各培養皿中之菌落源自單一菌體。 (2) 所提供之條件(營養、溫度等)足以使食物中所有菌生長,而產生菌落。 3. 方法: (1) 混稀法(pour plate count) 塗抹法(spread plate count, surface plate count) 塗抹法優缺點(與混稀法比較) (a) 無熱傷害 (b) 有利好氧菌快速生長 (c) 容易計數 (d) 可自動化操作 菌落易分離 § 螺旋平板法(Spiral plate count) 1. 所用培養基、平板、稀釋液、吸管均較少 2. 快速,50 ~ 60 plate/h 3. 易受食物顆粒阻塞 設備費用高 9-2 § 膜濾法(Membrane filtration methods) 適用於水、飲料、或空氣等菌數低者 可能需預濾,以去除食物顆粒,或添加酵素、介面活性劑等以利過濾 1. 直接螢光過濾法(Direct Epifluorescent Filter Technique,DEFT) 留於濾膜上之菌株,以螢光染劑,如acridine orange染色,再以螢光顯微鏡計數 操作: Food homogenate ↓ 5 μm nylon filter ↓ filtrate, +2 ml Triton X-100 0.5 ml Trypsin ↓ 0.6 μm Nucleopore polycarbonate filter ↓ filter stained with acrine orange ↓ count 2. Microcolony - DEFT Microcolony method: Sample → filter → plate, incubate for 3 ~ 6 h →microscopic count Microcolony - DEFT method: Sample → filter → plate, and incubated → acridine orange stain → fluorescence microscopic count 9-3 3. 疏水性格膜過濾法(Hydrophobic Grid Membrane Filtration, HGMF) (1) 1600 wax grid/membrane (2) 減少稀釋操作 已有分析項目 total colifo


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