垫料在动物园的应用The lack of substrate use in zoos.pdf

垫料在动物园的应用The lack of substrate use in zoos.pdf

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垫料在动物园的应用The lack of substrate use in zoos

Lack of substrate use in zoos 动物园垫料使用不足的问题 Hilda Tresz希尔达特雷兹 Behavioral Manager行为管理经理 Phoenix Zoo菲尼克斯动物园 ICEE 2011 What is this presentation about? 讲课的内容 激励不足 The number of zoos and other facilities that continue to house their animals on bare surfaces is alarming 仍然有太多的动物园和其他场所只为动物提供裸露地面的居住条件 Empty cages with solitary animals 动物独自生活在空荡荡的笼舍中 Health problems健康问题 Lack of stimuli 刺激不够 This presentation will discuss: 本演讲将讨论: The many negative effects of lack of substrate 垫料不足的负面影响 The simplicity of providing substrate 垫料配备简单易行 The numerous positive effects providing substrate can have on animals. 垫料对动物的正面影响 For more than 2000 years zoos have been keeping animals in captivity yet at some degree the picture today could be the same 1870 and 1906 人类圈养动物的历史长达两千年之久,但从某种程度上而言,现代 动物园的状况或许与1870年和1906年时相差无几 1957-58 Today 现在 Photo by Balazs Buzas Photo by Hilda Tresz Photo by Balazs Buzas As a result of inappropriate housing and the lack of mental stimuli, animals can develop physical or psychological illnesses, behavioral changes and abnormal behaviors. 正因为笼舍设置不合理,缺乏精 神上的刺激,动物便会出现身体 或心理疾病、行为变化和异常行 为。 Feeding Disorders 进食紊乱 Animals in zoos with inadequate enclosures have been seen to repeatedly regurgitate and ingest food to relieve boredom. 据观察,笼舍空间 不足的动物会反刍 并重复咀嚼食物, 以打发无聊时间。 Pacing 踱步 Repetitive ambulatory movement - transversing the same pathway at least twice (Mellen, Haye, Shepherdson, 1998). 徘徊踱步—按照同一路线来回走动至少两次 Swaying 摇摆 Move slowly or rhythmically backward and forward or from side to side. 缓慢或有节奏地前后或左右摆动 Courtesy of Alan Roocrof


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