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. 2004. 12 ( 10) Computer Measurement Control 993 : 1671- 4598( 2004) 10 - 0993- 0 3 : T H311. 11 : B PLC AOV 谭锦洁, 程良鸿, 殷学鹏 ( , 200030) : AOV , , AOV , , , AOV , , , , , : ; A OV ; PL C Mapping from Ladder Diagram to AOV Graph in Embedded PLC T an J nj e, Cheng L ang hong , Y n Xuepeng ( School of Opt cs and Electr c , U n vers t y fo r Sc ence and T echnolog y, Shang ha 200030, Ch na) Abstract: T he dea of abstract from ladder d ag ram to A OV gr aph l st and ts real zat on alg or thm s ntroduced . Cons der ng each b tmap un t as vertex and topolog cal connect on betw een b tmap un ts as ar c, ladder d agram s separated nto ndepen dent AOV d ag rams . T he key techn c s to make another abstr act for ladder d agram on the base of tak ng double l st as ts str uc ture model . F rst , part t on double l st accord ng to topolog cal co nnect on of d ag ram to get a ser es of ndependent funct on blocks T hen map the blocks nto A OV d agram s to f n sh w ho le pr ocess. T he above separat ng dea keeps the ntegr al ty of d a g ram structure, break ng up the w holes nto par ts s mpl f es the des gn and prepares for the real zat on of transform ng the ladder d agram nto ST L from the angle of AOV d agr am . Ke words: ladder d agram ; A OV d agram ; embedded PL C 0 1 11 , , , :


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