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《李践如何做广告》讲座学习记录(国外英语资料) How can li jian do advertising? the study record. A man who has no money, no money, and a slave labor. Things are empty, you want to go crazy. The bowl was empty, and life was not easy. All in all, the whole world is empty! How to make advertising (Thursday, December 7th, 2006) How to make a successful advertisement? What is advertising? Advertising is advertising. The purpose of advertising is to persuade and guide consumers to buy products. The purpose of advertising 1, promote sales 2, its a tool to build a brand Consumers dont buy products they dont know. The most important way for consumers to understand the product is through advertising. push Commend Li Jian: marketing team management and implementation of video download to earn big profits 16 advice video downloads Flywheel Li Jian: performance video download free of charge Li Jian: cut down the cost of video as a free download The worlds biggest consumer-goods company Philip morris, a former chairman of maxwell, once said: the brand and completely depends on the strong and the weak advertising. So the spread of advertising and the building of a brand is a very important tool and means. Why do consumers play an important role in buying products? Consumer buying behavior process: know, interest, desire, action. The first consumer wants to know that the second consumer is interested, and the third consumer wants to produce a desire, and then the action is produced. This is what is often called the funnel of marketing, and consumers start by knowing, interested, wanting, and then buying. In all three processes of knowledge, interest and desire, real advertising plays a very helpful role. A successful advertisement actually has five important steps (research and analysis, advertising strategy, creative presentation, media planning, advertising evaluation). Five steps to successful advertising: I. research and analysis Second, advertising strategy Three, very powerful creative expression I


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