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《颐和园》教学构想_4239 Teaching conception of the Summer Yeyintang (Ye Yintang, teaching and research section, Tongling Municipal Education Commission, Anhui) Nine righteousness teaching materials, six year system, seventh books, tenth classes, the Summer Palace is a talk about reading the text. According to the order of visits, the author describes the tour of the Summer Palace, depicts the beautiful scenery of the Summer Palace and expresses the authors feelings of praise. We must read and talk, let students feel the beauty of the park, grasp the order of observation, experience the charm of the article, copying the text of the art. First, look at the picture, and feel the beauty This text includes three pictures. In teaching, we should put the illustrations as teaching materials, guide students to carefully observe the color from the color into the text, and then combined with the understanding of the text, let students feel the beauty of the Summer Palace. We can try from the following points. First, use the drawing to import the text. The first is the long corridor, the second is the longevity hill, the third is the Kunming Lake view. In teaching, we should first guide the students to see these three pictures. Enable students to have an overall understanding of the main landscape of the Summer Palace. To guide the students to observe the Buddhist court, promenade, paiyundian, stone scenery, so that students have a perception of the beautiful scenery of the Summer Palace, and to stimulate interest in reading, reading the text in order to pave the way for. Two is the combination of graphics and text, read the text. Color pictures and text with images and text shows the beauty of the Summer Palace. Therefore, we in the teaching, not only to use the pictures into the text, but also with the understanding of image understanding. For example, when we are talking about the third paragraph, we can ask the students: what two scenes are written in this passage? (foxiangge, pai


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