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绝妙好文,眼泪都笑出来了 Yszo morning, tears and laugh! But absolutely true! On a business trip, I went to India with my colleague from a foreign company and a partner of a Chinese joint venture partner The 5 day left a very deep impression on India. In fairness and without prejudice to the feelings of the third world brother, I said: Im not used to India.. With no brain, blurted out: India is too fucking!. Was afraid of hurting the feelings of class brothers, do not want to write so pro pain, enemies. Later, my friends wanted to hear it. After a few words, I felt so much trouble that I could write something to save my future. For the sake of fairness, guarantee the never add any literary modification, what to avoid being seen, people blame unfair, but because of the limited perspective caused by Overgeneralization is inevitable. Adding aside, say only what I know is, I give myself the goal of life. Because of love, confusion, the conclusion about the atmosphere behind the gossip is my weaknesses, I want to overcome this problem. Sundays and holidays excepted Arranging a trip to India is out of the question. I wonder if it is because of the war with them that China does not have a non-stop flight to India, but only by Malaysia, Singapore and other countries. It takes more than 12 hours to go there. At the KualaLumpur Airport began to have many Indians, covered with sour (originally thought it was the smell of sweat, then know otherwise, behind repeat). When changing tickets, there is no queue at all. After standing in a rice line, every Indian comes directly to me, or directly stands by the ticket holder. However, this is not surprising, my compatriots do not have this quality, now still accounts for the vast majority of the population, we are used to. At 3 a.m., the plane came to the hall, hundreds of people lined up two line exit, probably because of the time too late, only two counter staff, but was only three counter. The long lines twisted and the sour smell greeted the no


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