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婚姻家庭法学(国外英语资料) Im doing homework Radio examination. A total of 30 questions, 2 points per subject 1, the marriage and family law in ancient China has its own characteristics, and the criterion of adjusting marriage and family relations begins to appear in () C. Li 2, the essential attribute of marriage and family is () B. social attributes 3, the author of the book family, private ownership and the origin of the state is () C. Engels 4, the legal concept of the family can be expressed as: the family is living together, a common life, its members enjoy the rights and mutual obligations according to law C. kinship group 5, the core content of the marriage and family system is () C. marriage and family legal system 6, the God of the people, not from the term (from) B. Matthew. 7, divorce the 7 and three, and concubinage, heirs, inheritance, relatives of the system are originated from the () B. slavery times 8, human society is fundamentally different from the biological groups of animals. () D. sociality 9, the author of the book family, private ownership and the origin of the state is () B. Engels 10, marriage and family is the product of social development to a certain stage, and it is the combination of human gender and kinship that adapts to the mode of production and life style in a certain society D. social form 11, the basic difference between modern marriage system and ancient marriage system is B. is marriage free? 12, the object of marriage and family law is () C. marriage and family legal relationship 13, marriage and family law is, in essence, () B. identity act 14, in our country, the legislative basis of marriage and family law is () The relevant provisions in the constitution of the D. 15, historically, the basis of marriage and family etiquette and legal system in ancient China is () C. patriarchal ethics 16, in the adjustment object of marriage and family law, the main and decisive role is () C. personal relationship The 17 and third are called, for th



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