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面对职场压力,女白领们往往会通过疯狂购物、用美食犒劳自己,甚至哭泣来减压。但是,男白领们可谓是男儿有泪不轻弹,有苦只好自己咽下。那么,职场诸多男白领们是如何减压的呢?减轻职场压力除劳逸结合,心态平和外,还可多吃减压食物。一项最新医学研究就发现,某些食物可以非常有效地减少压力。小编给你推荐日常生活中减压饮食,让你吃出神清气爽! Facing the market pressure, the female white-collar workers often through the crazy shopping, with Food yourself, even cry to decompression. However, the male white-collar workers is the son / has the tear not to flip, bitter to swallow. So, many male white-collar workplace is how decompression? Reduce stress in the workplace in addition to work and rest, peace of mind, also can eat vacuum food. A recent medical study found, some food can be very effective in reducing stress. Xiaobian recommended daily life reducing diet for you, let you eat with refreshing! 男白领吃食物减压 Male white-collar workers eat food relief 一项最新医学研究发现,某些食物可以非常有效地减少压力。比如含有DHA的鱼油,鲑鱼、白鲔鱼、黑鲔鱼、鲐鱼是主要来源。此外,硒元素也能有效减压,金枪鱼、巴西栗和大蒜都富含硒。维生素B家族中的B2、B5和B6也是减压好帮手,多吃谷物就能补充。工作的间隙,可以来一杯冰咖啡,能够很好的舒缓心情。在饮食上下点工夫,可谓举手之劳。 A new medical study found that some food, can be very effective in reducing stress. Such as fish oil / containing DHA, salmon, white tuna, bluefin tuna, is the main source of chub mackerel. In addition, selenium can also effectively reduced pressure, tuna, Brazil Li and garlic are rich in selenium. Vitamin B family in B2, B5 and B6 are also a good helper decompression, eat cereal can be added. The work space, can be a cup of Iced Coffee, can relieve a good mood. In the diet on the work, can lift a finger. 当然了,如果饭局应酬太多,没办法很好地规划自己的饮食,或者吃得太多,肚里再也装不下了,那就在包里揣盒维生素片或是鱼油丸之类的,随时补充。不过专家们指出,靠食物或者维生素减压,必须要持之以恒,每天形成习惯,1个月之后就能慢慢见到成效。 Of course, if the dinner party too much, not very good planning their eating, or eat too much, you will not hold, it is in the bag and put the box of vitamin tablets or fish oil / pills and the like, feel free to add. But experts pointed out, rely on food or vitamin decompression, must persevere, daily habit, after 1 months can slowly see effect. 减压食物大搜罗: Vacuum food drive: 1、鱼 1, the fish OMEGA3能有效减轻忧郁症状,平时多摄取富含omega3因子的食物就会有所


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