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高级口译最新复习题 Topic: The stock market exchange and China’s economic development Questions for Reference: 1. What do you know about the development of the stock market in China in the past decade or so? 2. What are the major functions of the stock market in China’s economy, according to your understanding and judgment? 3. What can you tell about the current situation and the future trend of the stock market in China? Part A Passage 1: It is an honor to be here to speak on behalf of the Microsoft Research Center and to participate in this conference to discuss the strategic issues facing this wonderful and dynamic city of Shanghai. In my address to the conference, I’d like to concentrate on Microsoft’s proposed joint ventures in Shanghai, because these ventures confirm our position as a strongly committed partner to Shanghai. // We understand that, as the fastest growing economy in the world today, China is likely to become the world’s second largest economy in the mid-21st century. Therefore, the foreign investor must have a strategic plan and the willingness to form a long-term partnership with China. On a foundation of seeking a win-win situation for both China and America, we have developed a strategic roadmap based on mutual benefit and sustainable development. (参考答案) 我很荣幸在这里代表微软研究中心,出席本次会议来讨论上海这座美妙且充满活力的城市所面临的战略问题。在我向大会的发言中,我想重点谈一谈微软准备在上海筹建的合资企业,因为这些合资企业可以表明/确认我们决意成为上海合作伙伴的立场。// 我们认识到,作为当今世界上经济增长最快的国家。中国很可能在21世纪中叶成为世界第二号经济强国。因此,外国投资者必须有战略计划,必须有同中国建立长期伙伴关系的意愿。在寻求中国和美国“双赢”局面的基础上,我们制定了互惠互利、持续发展的战略路线。 Passage 2: Today’s world is primarily shaped and dominated by a few corporate billionaires. So the battle we need to fight, in the year 2001, is to accent this escalating and galloping wealth inequality between the rich and the poor, not just here but around the world. // Half of the people on this planet are living on less than two dollars a day. The richest 225 individuals have more wealth than the bottom 43% of all humankind. That’s 2.6 billion people of all colors. T


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