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1. have the chance to do sth. (L5) I’ve been waiting for the chance to speak to her. There’s no chance of rain today. =There’s no chance that it will rain. (= possibility 希望, 可能性) I met him by chance yesterday. (偶然,无意地) I chanced to look out of the window and saw the accident. (偶然发生,碰巧) = It chanced that I looked out of the window and saw the accident. feast vt. 款宴, 请客 He feasted his eye on the beautiful scene. He feasted his friends at home. 3. Here you will have the chance to see Aborigine ceremonies with singing and dancing, based on ancient beliefs. base on 基于,以 ... 为依据 A good marriage is based on trust. This song is based on an old folk tune. Without facts, we cannot form a worthwhile opinion, for we need to have factual knowledge ____ our thinking. (2006) A. which to base on B. which to be based on C. on which to base C 4. …and often hunt down the holes for large snakes. (L30) hunt for = look for I had a good hunt for that key. 那把钥匙我找了好一阵子. He turned the room upside-down to hunt for the lost key. 他把屋子翻得乱七八糟,寻找遗失的钥匙。 5. They brought with them a culture rich in song, dance and art. (be) rich in song, dance and art Oranges are rich in vitamin C. He is poor in money, but rich in knowledge. She is rich in the inner feelings. 6. The Plains Indians believe in the Great Spirit who has power over all things including animals, trees, stones and clouds. have / hold power over 能支配,对 ... 有控制权 The president of USA has great power over UN. I have no power over him, so he just does whatever he wants. 1. Preview the text on page 18 2. Finish off everything on page 20. Homework * * Module 6 Unit 3 Project Making a reference book Every country has some or many ethnic groups. How many ethnic groups do we have in China? Do you know any different cultures and customs between these groups? What about the ethnic groups in other countries in the world? Inuit people in Canada


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