M7 Unit 2 修改.ppt

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M7 Unit 2 修改

教学目标 1.知识目标:掌握本课重点单词短语。(关于课程和计划) 2.能力目标:运用多层读等阅读技巧,scanning等阅读策略,进行阅读训练,提高阅读水平。 3.语言目标:能读懂介绍英语课程的文章,理解段落与标题的关系。 重难点:能谈论自己的计划与将来的活动。 Welcome to LA 自己插播视频 Paragraph 1 Ask and answer 1.What can we offer you? 2. What can you learn in Los Angeles? Paragraph 2 Read Para 3,finish the blanks about “where to stay and what to eat” Post-reading: Group work Come to learn English in Los Angeles Fill out the application form Step 7:summary: Step 8: Homework : 1.search the Internet to get some information about Los Angeles 2. 仿照课文介绍一下将来自己的暑假辅导课程。 常见的搭配有: prefer to do sth宁愿做某事 prefer A to B 和B 比起来,更喜欢A. prefer doing A to doing B 和做B事比起来,更喜欢做A事 prefer to do A rather than do B 宁愿做A事,而不是做B事 1) 当她小的时候,她更喜欢与妈妈住在一起。 She _____________ with her mother when she was young. 2)比起雪梨,我更喜欢苹果。 I _________ apples ________ pears.我更喜欢苹果。 3)比起开车,他更喜欢骑自行车。 He _____________ a bike ______________. 4)我宁愿看杂志也不看电视。 I ______________ magazines rather than ______ TV. 并列连词 1.Our teachers are well trained and have a lot of experience. 2.You can work in small or large groups. 3.But if you prefer, you can stay in a hotel. and “和,而且”表并列关系 or “或者,否则”表选择关系 but “但是”表转折关系 有为学案U2 P96 本课重要短语: offer sb sth 2. learn about 3. at the same time 4. last for 5. well-trained 6. depend on 7. provide sth for sb. 8. make progress 9. as well as 10. take part in 11. form close friendships with 12. stay in touch with sb. 13. be certain to do 14. at least 15. fill out 补充:16.如果你喜欢(If you prefer) 17.设置考试(set tests) 名师解惑 1)offered a cup of tea to me; 2)Tom offered to help me 2. at the same time; at the same time. 3. 1)depends on 2)depend on 3) depend on 4)depends on 4. 2)provide hot water; provides meals for guests 3)has made great progress; (has) made progress 6. 1)formed friendships with 2) stay in touch with 7. B. 8. fill out 课后练兵 一、选择


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