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tour;place of interest 名胜古迹 tourist attraction 旅游胜地 scenic spot 风景点 historical site 古迹 cultural/ historical relics 文物;tour guide travel agency international tour domestic tour group inclusive tour full independent tour ;off-peak season, off season on season, peak season tour brochure tour route tourist authority/office tourist destination travelling expense;;1. interest n. (U 兴趣; C usu pl 利益,利息) have/show/ take (an) interest in lose interest in interest vt. interesting, interested adj. 最使我感兴趣的是他收集的邮票. What interested me most was the stamps that he had collected. The teacher tried to make his lessons _______. The teacher tried to make his students ______ in his lessons.;2. information 【u】n. a piece of / some information一条信息,一些信息 further/ detailed information 进一步的信息;详细的信息 collect information about…收集有关...的信息 inform v. inform sb of sth告知某人某事 keep sb informed of sth 使某人随时了解某事 inform sb that告诉某人... He informed the police that some money was missing. 他报警说丢了一些钱。 我们将随时让你知道情况。 We'll keep you informed (of what is going on).;3. twist: v. to have many bends and turns 盘旋,蜿蜒,曲折 长城婉蜒曲折穿梭在中国北方的崇山峻岭上。 The Great Wall twists and turns along the tops of mountain chains in northern China. 这条乡间小道蜿蜒曲折穿梭在农舍间. The country path twists and turns among the cottages. ;4. chain A. noun a number of connected things mountain chains = a chain ofmountains 山脉 a chain of a chain of events, ideas 一系列的事件、 意见 The earthquake aroused a chain of serious destruction.地震引发了一系列灾难 chain-store连锁商店 chain-reaction连锁反应 B. Vt chain a dog 把狗拷上链子;5. construction n. the building or making of sth. 建造,建设 be under construction 兴建中 a construction site 建造地址 A number of underground lines are under construction in Shanghai. 上海许多地铁线路在兴建中。 V. construct 建造,建设;6. take shape vi. to de


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