ICP- AES法测定苦荞麦中的矿物元素.PDF

ICP- AES法测定苦荞麦中的矿物元素.PDF

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ICP- AES法测定苦荞麦中的矿物元素

20 08, No. 8 45 ICP- AES 姜忠丽, 康艳红, 辛士刚 ( , 110034) : 采用 ICP- AES法 ( 电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法)测定苦荞麦中FeC rHgPbCuZnAsC CaMgSnM oSe等 13种 物元素, 并采用高压消化罐法干法进行样品处理试验表明, 高压消化罐消化样品消化完全省时省力环保, 而且 精密度高, 测定值准确, 该方法的回收率为 96% ~ 102% , RSD小于 5% 并通过与普通小麦的对比分析, 发现苦荞麦中FeCr CaM gSe等对人体有功能作用的元素均高于普通小麦 : ICP- AES法( 电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法); 苦荞麦; 物元素 : TS207. 3 : A : 1003- 6202(2008) 08- 0045- 02 Determination ofM ineralElements inTartary Buckwheat by ICP- AESMethod ABSTRACT: The con tents of Fe, Cr, H g, Pb, Cu, Zn, A s, C , Ca, M g, Sn, M o, Se in tartary buckwheat were eterm ine by in uctively couple p lasm a Atom icem ission spectroscopy ( ICP- AES). Sam plesw ere processe separately by the h ighpressure iges tion m etho an the ry metho . The resu lts showe that samp les cou l be igeste fu lly through the h ighpressure igestion m etho , an feature w ith tmi e saving, labor saving, environmental protection, h igh precis ion an accuratem easure value. The recovery rate by th is m etho w as 96% ~ 102% an the relative stan ar eviation ( RSD) was less than 5% . The results also in icate the contents of inorgan ic elem ents ( Fe, C r, Ca, M g, Se) beneficial to hum an health in tartary buckwheat were higher than that of the or inary wheat. EYWORDS: ICP- AES m etho ; tartary buckw heat; m ineral elem ent , , 1. 2 试剂与标准溶液 , , () , , , : FeCrH gPbCuZnAsC C aM gSn 9. 3% ~ 11. 7% , 1. 7% ~ 2. 6% , 72. 17% ~ M oSe 1 000 g/m l, 73. 6% , VB 2 2~ 10, : , [ 1]


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