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31 5 Vol. 31, No . 5 20 10 10 Journal of Hebei University of Science and T echnolo y Oct. 20 10 : 1008- 1542( 2010)05-0458- 05 RFID 莫 磊 ( 四川托普信息技术职业学院通信系, 四川成都 6 11743) : 在对基本二进制搜索树算法及其改进算法进 比较分析的基础上, 首次提出了位屏蔽搜 索防碰撞算法, 该算法利用/ 后退策略0以减少搜索的总次数; 同时, 利用已知信息, 不发送和反馈重 复信息, 以减少阅读器和标签之间数据交换的比特数该算法有效减少了命令发送的总次数和每 次命令的参数长度, 提高了搜索标签的效率和速度 : 防碰撞; 位屏蔽; 射频识别 : T P30 1 : A Research in binary tree ant-i collision al orithm based on bit- shield in RFID sy stem M O Lei ( Department of Communication, Sichuan T OP Vocational Institute of Informat ion T echnolo y, Chen du Sichuan 611743, China) Abstract: The elementary binary searchin al orit hm and some improved al orithms are compared and analyzed, and an anti- collision searchin al orithm based on bit-shield is proposed for the first time. The al orithm adopts the method of back mech- anism t o decrease the tot al times of search, and by usin known information and not sendin and respondin reduplicated in- formation decreases the bits betw een the reader and the t a s. The total times of command and the len th of parameter of every command are decreased effectively, and the efficiency and speed of ta s identification is improved. Key words: anti-collision ; bit-shield; radio frequency ident ification RFID( radio frequency identification) RFID 2 : ( ID) , , , , , , , [ 1] [ 2] RFID , ALOHA 2 , ALO- HA , , , , , , , , : , , , , RFID : 2010-04-01; : : ( 1969- ) , , , , , RFID 5 RFID 459 , : , , 1 RFID , , , ( M anchester) , 1. 1


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