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广安电厂600MW发电机温度差异的运行分析解决 - 中国电机工程学会
2009 年中国电机工程学会年会
The Sichuan Quang’an Power Co.LTD 600MW generator temperature contrast
movement analysis solution
LI Xiang,SUN Feng-wei
(The Sichuan Quang’an Power Co.LTD, Sichuan, Quang’an,638000,China)
ABSTRACT: In order to solve the Sichuan 上述理念,根据发电机、传热学的相关
Quang’an Power Co.LTD to generate 理论,建立了600MW发电机的温度模型,
electricity the Limited liability company 并进行实时优化。通过实时数据和数学
600MW generator stator coil and the stator 模型温度偏差函数分析,为解决600MW
ferrite core each temperature contrast big
movement analysis judgment question, to 发电机定子线圈及定子铁芯各点温度差
produces on the spot real-time data gathering 异大情况下,发电机是否正常提供了一
and processing using the production real-time 种分析判断方法。
data system, by the theory inferential reasoning
and many kinds of operating modes historical
tendency data establishments may the real-time 热流量
optimized mathematical model, this 1 引言
mathematical model related parameter continue 由于四川广安发电有限责任公司
on the spot in afterward real-time data to
optimize, maintains throughout the theory and 600MW发电机定子线圈及定子铁芯各点
the actual deviation in permits in the scope. This 温度测点设计、安装采用热电偶测温,
article according to the above idea, according to 在发电机运行时定子线圈中通过电流对
the generator, the heat transfer theory correlation
theories, has established 600MW generators 热电偶测温元件和测温传输线路产生干
temperature model, and carries on the real-time 扰,热工专业在热电偶测温回路中加入
optimization. Through the real-time data and the 滤波电容滤除干扰信号后使温度度差异
mathematical model temperature deviation 大问题有所好转,但仍未彻底解决,因
functional analysis, to solve the 600MW
generator stator coil and in the stator ferrite cor
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