《Unit 1 Lifestyles》新人教版必修1.doc

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《Unit 1 Lifestyles》新人教版必修1

【课堂导学】 一:词汇详解 Warm-up 1. alone (adj)单独的,独自的. (置于名词之后)只有,仅仅adv单独地 经典范例: (1).Tom was alone in the living room. 汤姆一个人在起居室里。 (2).You can not live on meat alone. Eat more vegetables. 你不能仅靠吃肉生活,多吃点蔬菜吧。 (3).She alone was able to answer the question. 只有她能回答这个问题。 (4).It was too big a job for me to do alone. 这项工作要我单独做,负担是太重了。 (5).Leave her alone; she will be all right soon. 别理会她(让她一个人去吧),她很快就会没事的。 (6).The baby can’t even walk, let alone run. 这个孩子走都不会,更不用说跑了 知识归纳: (1).alone 作形容词时,通常表语或后置定语。 (2).leave/let…alone:不理会,不干涉,顺其自然 (3). let alone表示“更不用说,更不可能”之意。 同类辨析:alone/lonely alone提及人时只表示“单独的,独自一个 人”之意,不涉及人的内心情感。lonely作定语时还有“荒凉”之意。 lonely则表示心理上的“寂寞,孤独”之感。 She lives alone, but she doesn’t feel lonely. 她虽然一个人生活,但却并不感到孤独。 2.suppose (vt.) 认为,猜测,相信;假设 经典范例: (1). I don’t suppose he will like such a lifestyle. 我认为他是不会喜欢这种生活方式的。 (2). All of his friends will suppose her (to be) his wife. 他所有的朋友都会以为她是他的太太。 (3). She was supposed to have left the country. 她被认为已离开了这个国家。 (4). Suppose the poor girl (to be ) your sister. 假设这个可怜的女孩是你的妹妹。 (5). He is supposed to be here on time. 按理他应当准时到这儿。 知识规纳: (1). suppose + 宾语+ (to be)+adj/n..,以为,假设……为…… (2). be supposed to应当,按理应该 3. control (vt.)控制,支配,统治: (n.)控制,统治(常与of,over连用) 经典范例: (1). The machine is controlled by the button. 这台机器是由这个按钮控制的。 (2).Try to control yourself. 努力克制你自己。 (3).The car went out of control/under control. 车失控了/被控制住了。 (4).I lost control(of myself )and hit him. 我控制不了自己,打了他。 (5).self-control: n.自控 (6).The government is in the control of the military. (=The military is in control of the government.) 知识归纳: (1). control oneself 控制某人的情感,情绪等 (2) out of control 失控 (3). under control 处于控制之下 (2). in/under the control of处于-----的控制,管理之下 (3). in control of管理,控制----- 4.be filled with 充满着 经典范例: (1). The cup is filled with water. 杯子里装满了水。 (2). The room was filled with laughter. 房间里充满了笑声。 知识归纳:fill··· with···用······把······装满 拓展: be full of 充满 5.take up 开始做某事;占据(时间,空间等);拿起,捡起:打断某人 经典范例: (1). She took up playing the guitar when she was eight. 她8岁时开始学吉它。 (2)


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