《She said China was a very exciting place.》=滕少杰.ppt

《She said China was a very exciting place.》=滕少杰.ppt

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《She said China was a very exciting place.》=滕少杰

Unit 1 She said China was a very exciting place. 下窝头镇初级中学 滕少杰 Learn by oneself(1) 1.learn the new words alone 2.Read the new words together. 1.Listen and choose the answer. 1、Who is speaking? A. jack and Mike B. Tom and Jim C .Daming and lingling D. sally and chen huan 2、Where does it take place? A .at Classroom B. at home C. at Radio Beijing D. at park 3、What time of day is it? A. Late at night B. at noon C. at morning D. at evening Answer the questions. Answer the questions, using the words in the box to help you. 3、Listen and read Listen to the dialogue carefully, and read it in pairs. 4.Answer the questions 1.Why didn’t Betty hear Sally’s interview on the radio? 2,What does Sally think is the main reason for her visit? Answer the questions 3.Why did Daming want to clap and cheer? 4.Why does Betty think they should look after Sally? Write down what Sally said in the interview with Chen Huan. What did he say? 。引述别人的话时,一般采用两种方式:一、是引用别人的原话,把它放在引号内,称为直接引语; 如:Mr Black said ,“I’m very busy.” 二、是用自己的话加以转述,被转述的话不放在引号内,称为间接引语。如:Mr Black said that he was very busy. Exercise 1. Tom said:“I am busy.” 2. Diana said:“I have read up to page 25.” Change the sentences into indirect speech. Sally said, “ I am studying Chinese.” Sally said, “I miss my parents but I have some close friends here.” Chen Huan said, “ The concert is excellent and everyone love the music.” Write down what Sally said in the interview with Chen Huan. 7、Was that it? 就这些吗? 口语中常用 ,其陈述句形式是 That’s it. 表示“就这样”,表示说话人已表述完或某种事态不可改变。例如: Ok , that’s it. That’s it then. There’s nothing we can do. A test: Write out the words according to its meaning. in the middle of not sleeping/ to wake up tired and want to sleep unhappy because you keep thinking about a problem 1、Do exercises 1 page116 e g: 你觉得那部电影怎样? What ___ you _______ the film? 我正在考虑去哪里。 I ___________________________. 4. think of sb/sth: 想起,觉得,认为… think about sb/ sth : 考虑… do am thinking


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