核设施结构耐震及安全相关设备地震验证技术建立 - DMIP.PDF

核设施结构耐震及安全相关设备地震验证技术建立 - DMIP.PDF

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核设施结构耐震及安全相关设备地震验证技术建立 - DMIP

核設施結構耐震及安全相關設備地震驗證技術建立 Establishment of the Technologies of Seismic Analysis and Validation for the Structures and Systems in Nuclear Power Plant 主管單位:原子能委員會核能研究所 計畫編號: NSC99-3113-Y-042A-004 陳正興 柴駿甫 黃尹男 許尚逸 柯永彥 林凡茹 賴姿妤 Chen, Cheng-hsing Chai, Juin-Fu Huang, Yin-Nan Hsu, Shang-Yi Ko, Yung-Yen Lin, Fan-Ru Lai, Zih-Yu 財團法人國家實驗研究院國家地震工程研究中心 摘要 本研究分為三個工作項目:(1)核能電廠土壤結構互制地震反應模擬與驗 證、 (2)大型安全相關核能設備縮尺試驗驗證分析、(3)未錨碇結構物地震模擬技 術。第一部份主要研究內容為針對核電廠耐震一級廠房結構建立考量土壤結構互 制分析之完整受震反應分析模式包括地震輸入運動模擬、地盤受震反應分析、廠 房結構模擬與土壤結構互制分析。第二部份為盤內反應譜設計機制建立之先期性 研究,透過核三廠電氣盤體之實體振動台試驗,了解核能級電氣盤體動力反應及 其結構特性,並提出電氣盤體的盤內反應譜設計機制雛型之初步建議。第三部份 工作內容是以用過核子燃料未錨錠乾貯設施之受震反應為標的,以有限元素分析 軟體 ABAQUS/Explicit ,建立考慮非線性界面摩擦行為之貯存護箱~混凝土基座 模型與時域動態顯性分析,並對日本相關振動台試驗結果進行模擬分析,後續可 將成果應用於乾式貯存設施之耐震安全評估。 關鍵詞:耐震一級、土壤結構互制、盤內反應譜、耐震性能驗證機制、乾式貯存、 摩擦接觸行為 Abstract This project is one of the subprojects for nuclear technology master program. This project could be separated into three parts: the first one is to establish the complete procedure of seismic analysis and validation for the reactor building in nuclear power plant; the second one is to develop the in-cabinet design response spectra for critical facilities and equipment in a nuclear power plant. In order to understand the basic characteristics of dynamic response for electrical cabinets, one existing cabinet used in NPP3 was adopted as the specimen in the shaking table test; the third part is to establish the simulation techniques for the non-anchored structure such as the dry storage cask for the reasonable assessment of its seismic behavior. In this study, the ABAQUS/Explicit code was adopted to generate the finite element model of a dry storage



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