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ADSL用户轻松提高迅雷下载速度(国外英文资料) ADSL users easily increase the download speed of thunder Domestic ADADSL users easy to improve the download speed of thunder cheats! The bandwidth of domestic ADSL users is generally 1M, 2M and 3M, and the theoretical download speeds are 128K/S, 256K/S and 384K/S respectively. Burst speed will be higher. If the user can download the speed to achieve theoretical value, it is absolutely cool, but some friends reflect that they have never reached this download speed, what is the reason? Is thunder software a problem? Or are your grades too low? Or suspect that your computer configuration is too bad? As long as the thunder resources no problem, the new version of thunder is absolutely able to achieve this download speed, for ADSL users, do not doubt the thunder software problems. As for the level, individuals think it is just fun, not generally landing minefields, automatic search resources can not be used. As for the computer configuration, I dont think there are 286 now, so the hardware is not the problem. Here are some simple steps to increase your download speed, if the effect is obvious, you can take this post. 1. dont put the thunder installed on the system partition: the system partition is Windows operating system nest each perform a task, to scan this partition. Thunderbolt default installation is the system partition, installation can be installed to other partitions, you can at a certain level to avoid affecting the stability of the system and improve the speed of the implementation of the thunder. Ditto, the default download directory is not specified in the system partition. 2.. Modifies the number of system TCP connections: for security reasons, Windows XP SP2 limits the number of TCP connections to 10, but it affects download speed, with greater impact. Thunder comes with XP system optimization tool (in the tools menu), it is recommended to modify the maximum 1024 restart the computer. 3. optimization parameters: the thunder thun


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