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1 +3.3V orange
2 +3.3V orange
3 place black
4 +5V red
5 place black
6 +5V red
7 place black
8 Power_Good grey
9 +5VSB (reserve) Purple
10 +12V yellow
11 +3.3V orange / Brown
12 -12V blue
13 place black
14 PS-ON green
15 place black
16 place black
17 place black
18 -5V white
19 +5V red
20 +5V red
ATX auxiliary joint [commonly known as P4 joint, single row, 6 Hole mother head]
1 place black
2 place black
3 place black
4 +3.3V orange
5 +3.3V orange
6 +5V red
ATX auxiliary fan /FireWare joint [double row 2*3 6 Hole female head]
(plug hole facing itself, protruding head toward right. Look at the 2 row, the 3 row, the first row on the left is number 1, the right is No. 4
FanX= fan power supply
1394=FireWarw power
1 FanM white
2 FanC white / blue stripes
3 +3.3V detected white / brown stripes
4 1394R white / black stripes
5 1394V white / red stripes
6 reservations
ATX power supply pin diagram
The ATX power pins found on foreign websites are well done, so reprint them
PIN-OUT: ATX Motherboard Power
802 cards not recognized. Check that the card is inserted correctly and if it is inserted.
801 this link is configured to verify access to the server. Windows cannot verify the digital certificate sent by the server.
800 cannot establish VPN connection. Unable to connect to the VPN server, or the connections security parameters are not configured properly.
799, Internet connection sharing cannot be enabled because there is a IP address conflict on the network
798 cannot find a certificate that can be used with the extensible authentication protocol.
797 could not establish a connection to the remote computer because a modem or modem could not be found.
796 the users service type RADIUS property is neither a frame nor a callback frame.
795 the users tunnel type RADIUS property is incorrect.
794 the users frame protocol RADIUS property is not PPP.
The 792 L2TP connection attempt failed because the security negotiation timed out.
The 791 L2TP connection attempt fai
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