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Student Name: Xianyang Vocational and Technical College
Operating unit: cold driving
Total score: 2050, evaluation lasted 3715 seconds
Actual score: 493.08, measuring time limit of 0 seconds
Percentage points: 44.05
Common step operations score: 455
Quality step operation score: 388.08
Trend step operation score: 0
Operation error resulting in points: -350.00
The following is the detailed operation process: take steps that deserve
Acid washing: the process is marking 145. 120. The process takes 3715 seconds
End of step: correct operation. 5. 5 open vent valve T103 of exhaust gas absorption tower V45. (for time saving, use quick infusion)
End of procedure: correct operation. 5. 5 open the site valve V102 of the intermediate tank V57 of the oxidation liquid, and inject acid
End of procedure: correct operation 5, 5 turn on V102 infusion pump P102, and inject acid to the first oxidation tower T101
End of procedure: operation correctly. 5, 5 open the T101 acid inlet control valve FIC112
End of step: correct operation, 5, 5, V102 level, LI103 more than 50%, turn off valve V57, stop injecting acid to V102
End of procedure: correct operation. 5, 5, T101 level, LIC101 is greater than 2%, turn off T101 acid control valve FIC112
End of procedure: operation correctly. 5, 5, turn off pump P102, stop injecting acid to T101
End of procedure: operation correctly. 5, 5 turn on front valve P101A/B of T101 circulating pump V17
End of procedure: operation correctly. 5, 5 open pump P101A, pickling first oxidation tower T101
End of procedure: operation correctly. 5, 5 turn on pickling circuit valve V66
End of procedure: operation correctly. 5, 5 turn on the flow control valve FIC104 (20%) of the pickling circuit
End of procedure: operation correctly. 5. 5. Turn off the flow control valve FIC104 of the pickling circuit
End of procedure: operation correctly. 5, 5, turn off pump P101A, stop pickling
End of step: terminate condition meet 5 0 turn on T101 nitrogen control v
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