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Lesson 31 retire v 退休company n 公司bicycle n 自行车save v 积蓄workshop n 车间 helper n 帮手,助手employ v 雇用grandson n 孙子he is getting old,he is going to retire retire=stop doing this = stop working im going to retire next year我明年将推出影坛或歌坛等 im so tired that i‘m going to retire now form 商行corporation 责任公司limited corporation 有限责任公司Ltd. Co he works in my business他在我的公司工作 save 挽救save ones lifehe saved my life他挽救了我的生命 save ones face 挽回面子save money 存钱 save up存钱i have saved up for many years我已经存了好几年的钱 save it for a rainy day未雨绸缪,为将来而做好准备 workhouse 感化院,强迫劳动的地方workshop 工作并且可以拿出来卖 assistant助理employee雇员employer雇主trainer训练trainee被训练的人 text he worked in a factory他曾经在一个车间工作 he used to work in a small workshop他过去在一个小车间工作 used to do 过去常常,但是现在不做 my teacher used to live there我的老师过去住在那(现在不在了) he lived there 他过去住在那,(但不知道他现在时否住在那) she worked as a teacherwork...as...作为...工作... he used to work as a teacheri used to study in this school as a boy=as he was a boy as 在这是当...的时候as a young man 当他年轻的时候 in his twenties,in one’s thirties/fourties in ones -ies,在某人几十多岁的时候 in my fifties 在我五十多岁的时候 in his fifties,he learned the second language in the 1980s 二十世纪八十年代 i worked/began the job in the 1990s a head of 老板 at that time=just then=at that moment of ones own某人自己的 my own book 用of ones own 或 ones own 由被修饰词的位置决定,如过修饰词在前边用 of ones own,否则用ones own has become 成长为 in a few years在一些年之后 hard early years早年的艰辛 long road to success通往成功的长路 remember记得,回忆起 memory n 记忆 memorize v. there is a long way to go my wife came in when i was smiling强调我妻子进来 i was smiling when my wife came in强调我微笑(when 不能放在强调的前面) want sb to do sth 过去进行时出现在1。一个故事的背景 2。和另外一件事同时发生 a。experience 经历(可数名词) 经验(不可数名词)experienced 有经验的 b.save save ones life save、 ones face、 save money c.work and job work 可做动词,job 可数,work 不可数 economize 经济,节省(能不用的就不用) save 存钱(多余的钱) go for a ride/go for a walk go for a ride on sth be surprised to do not anymore不再 leader 起带头作用的人headmaster 校长direction 方向director 管理整个事务的人 Frank is a director of a business company superior 监理 enter=go in/c


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