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Kmust2011级B班第五次作业 Section A? Building Up Your Vocabulary 1.?Were hoping to get somewhere in the?????????of £70 000 for our house. [1]. 【参考答案】:B ? A. downtown??? B. neighborhood?????C.?vicinity????? D. phase ? 2.?As a reporter, I was paid to?????????into other peoples lives. [2]. 【参考答案】:D ? A. pierce??????? B. penetrate?????? C. peer??????????? D. pry ? 3.?They found the jungle virtually?????????. [3]. 【参考答案】:A ? A. impenetrable?? B. impressive????? C. implicit?????? D. immune ? 4. In her bright yellow coat, she was easily?????????in the crowd. [4]. 【参考答案】:D ? A. variable?????? B. justifiable??????? C. reliable?????? D. identifiable ? 5.?We will make every?????????to obtain sufficient supplies. [5]. 【参考答案】:A ? A. endeavor??? B. exertion??????? C. strain??????? D. impetus ? 6.?The story should act as a warning to other?????????buyers. [6]. 【参考答案】:C ? A. respective?? B. prosperous???? C. prospective??? D. passive ? 7.?He decided to?????????up on his initial research and write a book. [7]. 【参考答案】:C ? A. trace?????? B. pursue???????? C. follow???????? D. set ? 8. They enjoyed an especially?????????climate. [8]. 【参考答案】:B ? ?? A. malign??????? B. benign???????? C. adverse?????? D. dynamic ? 9. They are not always willing to?????????untrained workers, but theres no harm in asking. [9]. 【参考答案】:D ? ?? A. take up??????? B. take after????? C. take in???????? D. take on ? 10. I really need a job and I was hoping you might?????????a good word for me with your boss. [10]. 【参考答案】:A ? ?? A. put in???????? B. put across????? C. put out?????? D. put up ? 11. Its not something Ive done before, but Ill take a????????at it. [11]. 【参考答案】:A ? A. crack???????? B. trial??????? ????C. track???????? D. probe ? 12. In their?????????to find a solution, they have overlooked certain difficulties. [12]. 【参考答案】:B ? A. reluctance?? B. eagerness????? C. hesitation????? D. haste ? 13.?He believes that from a military?????????, the situation is under control. [13]. 【参考答案】:B ? A. aspect???? B. standpoint


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