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北京市燕山2011年初四年级二摸考试 英 语 试 卷 2011-06 考生 须知 1.本次考试满分为1分,包括分和分。 2.考生必须用蓝色或黑色钢笔、圆珠笔 听力理解 (24分) 一(共分,每小题1分)从各题所给的三个选项中选择最佳每段对话读遍 A B C 2. A B C 3. A B C 4. A B C 二、听对话,选择最佳. Who does the man want to speak to? A. Mike. B. Bill. C. Sally. 6. What are they going to do tomorrow? A. Go to a dance. B. Visit the museum. C. Have a football match. 请听一段对话,回答第7至第8小题。 7. Where are the two speakers talking? A. At a train station. B. At a bus stop. C. At an airport. 8. What is the woman reading? A. A timetable. B. A magazine. C. A book. 请听一段对话,回答第9至第10小题。 Why is the businessman building a dog park in the city? Because people have to clean up the streets. Because people like walking dogs in the park. Because there is a law against walking dogs in the streets. What do we know from what the woman said? Dogs should be kept at home. Building a dog park is necessary. People would take away the dog waste. 请听一段对话,回答第11至第13小题。 What are the two speakers talking about? Future ways of travelling. Working hours in the office. The changes of life in the future. Which of the statements does the speaker mention? A new job is a positive life change. People don’t like to work by the year 2015. There is a cure for cancer and people have to work longer. What will people do when they have holidays? They will stay at home and have a rest. They will travel to far away places by air. They will chat with their friends on line. 请听一段独白,回答第14至第16小题。 14. The mother locked the door with three locks ________. A. because the door was not strong enough B. because her daughter asked her to do so C. because she thought a thief would come in 15. How long was the daughter away from home? A. For two years. B. For three years. C. For four years. 16. What can we know from the passage? A. The daughter knew the door wasn’t locked. B. The mother loved her daughter very much. C. The daughter liked the outside world best. 三、听对话,记录关键信



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