河北省邢台市临西一中七年级英语下册《Unit 3 how do you get to school-Section B》 人教新目标版.ppt

河北省邢台市临西一中七年级英语下册《Unit 3 how do you get to school-Section B》 人教新目标版.ppt

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河北省邢台市临西一中七年级英语下册《Unit 3 how do you get to school-Section B》 人教新目标版

Unit1 Section B ; 1. 熟读P6, 3a 2. 学会应用will预测十年后的生活 ;A: What will you be in ten years? B: I’ll be a\ an… A: What will you do in ten years? B: I’ll…; ;自学指导二;自学指导三; 1. 看谁读的既流利又准确? (听别人读的同时标出你容易读错的单词); In ten years, I think I ① (be) a reporter. I ② (live) in Shanghai. As a reporter, I think I ③ (meet) lots of interesting people. I think I ④ (live) in an apartment with my best friends, because I don’t like living alone. I ⑤ (have) pets. In ten years, I⑥ (have) many different pets. During the week I⑦ (look) smart, and probably ⑧ (wear) a suit. On the weekend, I ⑨ (be) able to dress more casually. I think I ⑩ (go) to Hong Kong on vacation, and one day I might even visit Australia.;;1. 本节单词还有哪些不会? 2. Can you use “will” to talk about your life in ten years. ;达标检测题;;五分钟写作;See you!


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