2010年3月中口译真题SECTION 2阅读真题及答案解析.doc

2010年3月中口译真题SECTION 2阅读真题及答案解析.doc

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2010年3月中口译真题SECTION 2阅读真题及答案解析

2010年3月中口译阅读真题、答案解析 真题 Questions 1-5 On Saturday mornings I worked in the family shop. I started cycling down to the shop with Dad on Saturday as soon as I was big enough. I thought of it as giving him a hand and so I didnt mind what I did, although it was mostly just fetching and carrying at a run all morning. I managed not to think of it as work and I looked forward to the bar of chocolate my grandmother passed me unsmilingly as I left. I tried not to look at her; I had reason to feel guilty because Id generally already eaten some dried fruits or a sliver of cheese when no one was looking. As soon as I was fifteen, though, Dad said, “Thats it, our Janet. Youre of working age now and youre not coming to work unless your grandmother pays you properly. He did his best to make his chin look determined. ?I shall speak to her.” The next Saturday, Gran called me into her little office behind the shop. I always hated going in there. She had an electric heater on full blast, and the windows were always kept tightly closed whatever the weather. There were piles of dusty catalogues and brochures on the floor. “Youre wanting to get paid, I hear,” Gran said. “Yes, please,” I replied. It was rather like visiting the head mistress at school, so I was very quiet and respectful. Gran searched through the mess of papers on her crowded desk, sighing and clicking her tongue. Eventually she produced an official-looking leaflet and ran her fingers along the columns of figures. “How old are you?” ?Fifteen... Gran,” I added for extra politeness, but she looked at me as if I had been cheeky. “Full-timers at your age get two hundred and forty pounds for a thirty-five-hour week,” she announced in such a way as to leave no doubt that she wasnt in favour of this. “No wonder theres no profit in shop keeping! So, Janet, whats that per hour?” Question like that always flustered me. Instead of trying to work them out in my head, I would just stand there unable to think straight. “Ill get a


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