《餐饮服务与管理》 西餐服务基本技能.doc

《餐饮服务与管理》 西餐服务基本技能.doc

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《餐饮服务与管理》 西餐服务基本技能

授课内容:《餐饮服务与管理》第三章 西餐厅服务 第二节 西餐服务基本技能 授课教师: 授课对象:三年制中职饭店服务与管理专业学生 教学目的知识;。 能力;重点难点教学方法讲解与相结合教学用教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 教学意图 【引入】 从识引出新课引起注意激发求知欲。 【板书】 【讲解】 【提问】 【板书】【讲解】【板书】【讲解】【板书】【讲解】【板书】思考、讨论、回答 了解,联系生活实例,进一步激发学生学兴趣,培养思维和分析问题的能力。 【过渡】【板书】【讲解】【】【板书】 (二) 铺台布 (三) 装饰盘定位 (四) 摆放金属餐具和面包盘 (五) 摆放玻璃器皿 餐巾折花 摆放公共用具 【】【板书】【讲解】 1. 准备工作 2. 展示商标 3. 开启酒瓶 4. 酒水服务 (三) 红葡萄酒服务 (四) 香槟酒服务 【】【板书】【讲解】【板书】【讲解】 (三) 火焰黄桃 阅读教材,书写笔记 认真看,掌握。 仔细看,注意细节。  【小结】(在学生讨论的基础上,归纳小结) 讨论、归纳本节课所学的内容。 明确本节重要知识点。 【】 for examination and approval, to return part or all of the loan in advance. 5.8 contract contract specific requirements: first, the borrower and other clients; Second, loan person double charge and other parties signed a contract with the borrower and agent signature of contract; Third, customers signed loan contract, contract of natural person, must be checked and fingerprinted by himself, you may not use personal name instead be signed, shall not authorize others to sign; Four, the pledgor, mortgagor due to special reasons not to sign the contract, may authorize others to sign the contract and retained after the notary notarized power of Attorney (parties abroad, outside the territory of China sent or delivered by a power of attorney shall be certified by the notary public of the country, and certified by the Embassy or Consulate in the country). Agent required to audit mandates are clear, the content is complete (a power of Attorney sample record form five), whether the expiration date within PART_STORE_00102). Rule2 2nd set of goods was moved to the 2nd from the left the cage inside the vehicle Click on smart properties of oriented window screen to the right of [login rule] the period of validity, and audit the original identity card of the authorized person, and keep copies. Contracts signed by the authorized person authorized, in the signature bar marked authorized person, and signed by the authorized persons name; Five, contract signing and client identity, signature, fi


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