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关于实验报告的“三句半” 抄书抄讲义,浪费时间 一定不要抄书 报告写得越长得分越高,负担太重 4-5页 实验记录再写一遍,真没意思 实验报告不是实验记录的翻版 最好不写实验报告 练习写实验报告终身受益 如何写实验报告 How to Write a Lab Report 张新夷 物理楼243室xy-zhang@ Acknowledgements /~brune/phys371/how_to_write_a_lab_report.pdf How to Write a Lab?Report By Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D., A Guide 何益鑫、张新夷 Franck-Hertz实验的物理过程 物理实验 2011年第6期 近代物理实验I 学生论文 关于实验报告的“三句半” 抄书抄讲义,浪费时间 报告写得越长得分越高,负担太重 实验记录再写一遍,真没意思 最好不写实验报告 实验报告和学术论文 实验报告和学术论文有没有区别? 既有又没有!(可能有1000和100的差别) 同样不能抄袭 同样不能粗制滥造 同样要用精练、准确、科学的语言 Lab Report Lab reports are an essential part of all laboratory courses and usually a significant part of your grade. A lab report is how you explain what you did in experiment, what you learned, and what the results meant. Lab Report 必须回答的问题 What did you do ? Why did you do it ? How did you do it ? What happened ? Abstract I. Introduction A.Motivation B.Summary of the experiment II. Theoretical background III.Experimental design and procedure A. Description of the samples B. Description of the apparatus C. Description of the experimental procedure IV.Experimental results A. Row data B. Calculated data V.Discussion/Analysis A. Method of analysis B. Discussion of results C. (Optional) Suggestions for future improvements VI.Conclusions A. Summary of the results B. Pertinence of the results to the questions raised in the introduction References Standard Format Results and discussion Short Sections 摘要、引言、结论 Checklist ? Summarize the entire paper in the abstract ? State the problem or question under investigation in the introduction ? Summarize the experimental procedure in the introduction ? Discuss quantitative results in both the abstract and conclusions Short Sections 摘要、引言、结论 Checklist ? Summarize the entire paper in the abstract ? State the problem or question under investigation in the introduction ? Summarize the experimental procedure in the introd


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