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欧盟—中国(太原)企业合作项目 欧盟 – 中国(太原)企业合作项目 2007 三月 – 2008 十一月 2008五/六月 60家欧洲企业与140家当地企业间对接洽谈项目 为从事煤化工、新材料、机械行业的企业创造商机 一流的国际推广平台 与欧洲企业面对面洽谈 专业研讨会 网上交流平台 山西区域 国内推广 中国企业资格条件 欧洲企业资格条件 欧洲企业或项目鼓励参与条款 行业商机报告 欧盟 对接洽谈会日程安排 第一天: 白天:中方企业研讨会 白天:欧方企业到达 晚上:欢迎晚宴 第二天 : 白天:小型开幕式、既定的商务会谈 晚上:专业的互动研讨会(各行业) 第三天 : 上午:既定的商务会谈 下午:太原半日游 第四天 : 商务:小型的签约仪式、参观当地开发区 午餐:告别午餐会 下午:自由活动 晚上:返回机场 项目风险 中方推广工作不到位 导致中方企业不重视 导致合作意向不明确 企业信息翻译质量不行 网站与印刷品不方便使用 不容易找出自己所找的项目信息来 完成得太晚 Opening I have experience with preparing funding proposals for the EU, of about 200.000 to 500.000 euro each I have experience with EU project funding, the below information can be applied to any public or private project Prepare notes to describe the Chinese promotion campaign and its various channels Describe the main required outputs Prepare notes about the entire European promotional campaign Mention commitment to peitao Clearly explain the difference between the implementation phase and the design phase Clearly explain the difference between the implementation phase and the design phase Explain these core members are expected to be involved in the project at least 50% of their time between now and the meeting days助理(红花) Explain these core members are expected to be involved in the project at least 50% of their time between now and the meeting days Explain these core members are expected to be involved in the project at least 50% of their time between now and the meeting days Explain these core members are expected to be involved in the project at least 50% of their time between now and the meeting days Explain these core members are expected to be involved in the project at least 50% of their time between now and the meeting days Explain these core members are expected to be involved in the project at least 50% of their time between now and the meeting days Prepare notes to describe the Chinese promotion campaign and its various channels Describe the main required outputs * 二零零七年三月中旬给太原市政府相关部门介绍 龙迪 联合国工业发展组织中国投资促进办事处 欧盟项目
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