
基于web+of+science的国际柑橘黄龙病文献计量分析 - caas ir - 主页.doc

基于web+of+science的国际柑橘黄龙病文献计量分析 - caas ir - 主页.doc

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基于Web of Science的国际柑橘黄龙病分析 张娟*,王宁,张以民, 李云霞 中国农业科学院农业信息研究所《农业科学学报》编辑部,北京 100081 摘要:为了解国际柑橘黄龙病的研究总体水平以及我国与世界先进水平的差距,方便科技工作者掌握本领域的研究现状Web of Science引文数据库,间的柑橘黄龙病研究文献居世界前10位的国家、科研机构、期刊作者及高被引论文进行了文献计量分析。结果表明,检索范围内发表的柑橘黄龙病研究文献共448篇,综合发文量、总被引频次篇均被引次数等指标,美国、法国巴西为世界该研究的三大强国。美国和法国在科研机构和作者上占据明显的优势。与世界同期水平相比,中国在柑橘黄龙病研究中虽然起步较早,但近20年除发文量占据世界第3,总被引频次、篇均被引次数均远远落后缺乏高水平的论文,缺乏高影响力的科研机构和领军人才。 关键词:柑橘黄龙病,文献计量分析,Web of Science Bibliometric Analisis of the Research on Citrus Huanblongbing ased on Web of Science ZHANG Juan, WANG Ning, ZHANG Yi-min, LI Yun-xia Editorial Department of《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》, Agricultural Information Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081 analysis the trend of international research on citrus Huanglongbing and realize the shortage between China and advanced level in world, in order to make the researches know the status quo of this field. 【Method】The Web of Science database was used to analyze the Top 10 countries, institutions, authors, journals and high citation papers of publishing articles on citrus Huanglongbing during 1995-2013. 【Result】 The results show that, there were 448 articles on citrus Huanglongbing in world. According to the publishing articles, cited papers, cited per paper and h index, the United State of America, France and Brazil were the strongest countries on citrus Huanglongbing research in the world. The United State of America and France had obvious advantage in top 10 institutions and authors. Professional journals of plant pathology were the preferred and high concerned journals. 【Conclusion】 Compared with international level, although China began to study citrus Huanglongbing earlier and the quantities of publishing papers were ranked No. 3 in the world, in recent 20 years, publishing articles of China on Huanglongbing had low citation, also had few institutions, authors and papers with high influence and academic level in the world, indicating we need put


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