第四章语用能力 - 黑龙江大学外语教学研究部.doc

第四章语用能力 - 黑龙江大学外语教学研究部.doc

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第四章语用能力 - 黑龙江大学外语教学研究部

第四章 语用能力 本章学习目标 1. 明确语用能力的内涵 2 掌握语用能力的构成 3. 了解语用能力的理论基础 本章概述 通过上一章的学习,我们可以看到语用能力对于解决语用失误等交际中的障碍的强大作用,可以说从某种程度上来说,语用能力决定着交际能否顺利进行。但是,许多英语学习者,尤其是非英语专业的学习者,往往忽视了语用能力的培养,甚至认为语用能力是枯燥无用的理论,没有认识到语用能力对交际的影响。无数的研究表明语言能力与语用能力并非完全成正比,我们不能想当然地认为只要提高了语言能力,语用能力就会相应的具备。“课堂上的交际活动给学习者提供了有益的语言实践机会,但是这种活动并不能产生学习者学习语用学知识所需要的社会语言性质的语言输入”(G. Kasper R. Schmidt 1996:160),因此语用知识是必须要教授的。 本章将主要介绍什么是语用能力,语用能力的基本构成要素:施为能力,推理能力,社会语言能力和话语分析能力。希望通过本章的学习,学习者能够对语用能力的基本概念有所了解,在日后的学习中能够学以致用。 自主学习调查问卷 同学们,为了了解你们的语用交际能力,请参与本次调查。谢谢合作! Directions: For each problem in this part, you are presented with one situation with four utterances underneath. Read the description of each situation with the utterances and decide which is the most appropriate utterance in that situation. Mark your choice by writing the corresponding letter in the brackets. 1. A: Is there any shopping to do? B: We’ll be away for most of the weekend. What can we infer from the conversation?( ) A) If they are away for the weekend, then they won’t need food. B) If they are away for the weekend, then they won’t be able to go shopping. C) If they don’t go shopping, then they won’t have any food on their return. D) All possible. A: Do you want some coffee? B: Coffee would keep me awake. What does B mean? ( ) B does not want to stay awake. B does not want any coffee. B want to stay awake. B wants some coffee and anything that will keep her awake. All possible. 3. Man: If you don’t have an account here, I can’t cash your check. I’m sorry, but that’s the way it is. Woman: Well, thanks a lot! You’re a big help. How does the woman feel? ( ) A) The woman is helpful. B) The woman is thankful. C) The woman is offended. D) The woman is sorry. 4. At work, John has just told Bill that they are one man short for the football match on Saturday against a neighbouring office team. Bill: Why don’t you ask Pete Todd to play? I know he’s not very good but there’s no one else to ask, is there? John: Well, to be honest, Bill, I’ve already asked him. He


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