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In 1988, competing against divers half his age, he became the first to win double gold medals for diving in two consecutive Olympics. Greg’s diving accomplishments do not stop there. He is a six times world champion and has held 47 National championship titles. At the Pan Am Games he earned six gold medals and in 1985 he was awarded the Sullivan Award as the nation’s most outstanding amateur athlete. Greg is clearly the world’s greatest diver and a fine athlete. Summary Tell briefly the life story of Greg Louganis in time order. begin; start strong at the beginning very important earlier mainly help victory; success fear commence intense initial significant prior mostly assist triumph scare 流血 匆忙 亲生父母 养父母 体操 伴侣 混淆;弄错 自信的 bleed haste natural parents adoptive parents gym partner confuse confident Debate Athletes with AIDS should be given the right to participate in the Olympics. endanger: vt. to cause danger to 使危险 (L19) 前缀“en”表示“使成为某种状态”、“致使…”、“使置入”、“做成…” Prefix Word Chinese Meaning en + large 使变大 en + case 置于盒内 en + able 使能够 en + danger 使危险 5. …so they gave me up for adoption. (Line 24) ? adoption n. 采纳,收养 adopt v. 采纳,收养 adopted a. 收养的,采用的 语法考点: adoptive 收养(某人)的(主动意义): the adoptive father 义父,养父 adopted (被某人)收养的(被动意义): the adopted son 义子,养子 adopted (前置定语)收养的 the adopted children (后置定语)采用的:the methods adopted 6. At sixteen, I knew I had a shot at the 1976 Olympics. (Line 30) ? have a shot at: attempt to do sth. 尝试 1) It’s a difficult job but I’d like to have a shot at it. 这工作很难做,不过我想试一下。 2) Why don’t you have a shot at talking to her yourself? 为什么你不尝试着自己与她谈? 7. Ron understood me and assisted my working more intensely. (Line 36) ? assist: vt. help, aid 帮助,协助 assist sb. with


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