新视野读写2 unit 1 - 2016.ppt

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新视野读写2 unit 1 - 2016

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * In his son’s eyes, the father is one who he has to obey and an oddity absorbed in grammar. (Para.1) He was shocked by his student’s inability to describe properly her excursion to Europe. (Paras. 2-4) Thesis of the narration: It is unfair to blame students for their language deficiency. (Para.5) Introduction Structure of the text Main idea structure Explains why students shouldn’t be blamed for their language deficiency by providing two reasons and one example. (Paras. 6-10) Elaborates the importance of grammar and vocabulary in learning English. (Paras. 11-13) Introduction Body Structure of the text Main idea structure Narrates another incident where his son unconsciously uttered a grammatically perfect sentence with a subjunctive mood, which made the author so proud of his son. (Paras. 14-17) Introduction Body Structure of the text Main idea structure Introduction Body Concluding part Structure of the text Main idea structure Text Study New Words Language Points Main idea Structure Summary Section A An IMPRESSIVE English Lesson An Impressive English Lesson To my son, I am a _____________: a father he is __________ listen to and a man ____________ the rules of grammar. And I got ______________ this because my student was unable to describe properly her feeling on her __________ to Europe. tedious oddity obliged to absorbed in serious about excursion Summary of the text Main idea structure However, it doesn’t ________________ to criticize our students. They unfairly bear the bulk of the criticism for these __________________ because there is a sense that they _________________. On one hand, they are misled by the____________. On the other hand, school fails to _________________ the essential framework of language, accurate grammar and proper vocabulary. make any sense knowledge deficits should know better environment adequately teach Summary of the text Main idea structu


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