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Selected Readings in English Newspapers Contents The American Presidential Election Journalism in the UK, mainly the newspapers and magazines The Magic Power of Sleep How it makes you happier, healthier, sexier, even thinner Unforgettable: Find my voice How a first-grade teacher taught me a crucial lesson. Gloria Estefan, as told to Lindsay Miller “ Mrs. Collins taught me a lesson in fairness that I've never forgotten. I can't tell you how many times the persevering spirit she instilled in me has guided me through challenges in my life, whether it was learning English as a five-year-old or recovering from a broken back as an adult. I feel blessed that the universe brought Mrs. Collins and me together all those years ago. My first-grade teacher didn't just teach me the language: She helped me find my voice.” The American Presidential Election Some terms a two-party system the general election election year Election day primary election campaign popular vote delegate candidate nominee elector electoral district Process Principles Electoral College System 选举人团制度 Winner-take-all System “胜者全得”制度 Generally speaking … Diversities in newspaper freedom and restrictions Source of news “Fleet Street” major newspapers major magazines Diversities national newspaper—— local newspaper Categories: Freedom and restrictions No related laws and regulations Conventional rules Restrictions: national security defamation protecting source of news Source of news Press Association (PA) 报纸联合社 Reuters Group 路透社 The Associated Press (AP) 美联社 United Press International (UPI) 合众国际社 “Fleet Street”(舰队街) named after… “Hometown of British newspapers” March 11th, 1702. The daily 《每日报》 Nothing lasts forever. major newspapers major quality newspapers major popu


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