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   娶个广州老婆的成本 1、房屋一套(80平方米以上,市区,),以均价8000元计,8000×80=64(万元)。 2、装修,以中等装修,80平方米算,计15万元。 3、家电及家具,计8万元(有部分女方以嫁妆形式出资承担)。 4、轿车,以普通轿车为标准,(一般就要中档次的,现在降完价:10万元左右)没有通情达理的广州女孩同意以汽车以外的工具代步。 5、办喜酒,以4星级酒店200人(20桌)计算,包括自带酒、烟、糖,计200×200=4(万元),回收红包以每桌平均2000元,计2000×20=4(万元),收支相抵。 6、度蜜月,坚决不去港澳、新马泰,更不去云南、海南。主要以澳洲,欧洲为主,要不马尔代夫也行,以马尔代夫为准,平均每人费用1.5万元,总价3万元吧。 7、从泡妞到决定结婚这段时间(恋爱期),包括出去吃饭、买礼物、娱乐、旅游、送女友父母节日礼品等,平均每月以2000元的标准,谈2年,计2000×12×2=4.8(万元)。 综上,各项成本合计64+15+8+10+3.0+4.8=104.8(万元)。 以男方家庭30万元的家产,男人年收入6万元计,(104.8-30)/6=12年。 最后得出结论为:男方倾家荡产+男人不吃不喝工作12年=讨一个广州中等条件老婆的成本! Pursuit of pure love Advantage First, we needn’t spend parents pension(退休金) buy a house. We can create a more gorgeous tomorrow with our mate. Second, naked marriage is also equal for the men and women. At last, we can enjoy the fruits of our mutual efforts successful, and make more love for each other. Disadvantage The life is very tired. When our friends live a big house, we only live a apartment and give landlord(房东) some money every month. When our classmates want to have a travel party, we have to decline(婉拒) because money is very important for our family. When peer wears good clothes and eat good food, we only spend money to go to buy some living goods. So that we may often quarrel (吵架) because of money. * 我没车,没钱,没房,没钻戒,但我有一颗陪你到老的心。 I have no cars, no money, no houses, no diamond rings. But I want to grow old with you. 细节打败爱情。我除了我爱你比你爱我多以外,我没有任何条件优越过你。 Details beat love. I have no advantage over you except for my love. 幸福是什么,幸福不是靠你说就能说出来的,幸福是你实实在在干出来的。 What is happiness? Happiness depends on what you do rather than what you say。 不以结婚为目的的谈恋爱都是耍流氓。 Relationships which dont end up with marriage are all crap。 It means getting married without anything, no house, no car, no diamond ring, no wedding ceremony, no wedding photos or honeymoon. Just having a nine-yuan?marriage?cert-ificate(结婚证书). Naked marriage To Chinese people, getting married is one of the major


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