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本科生毕业设计 姓 名: 学 号: 学 院: 应 用 技 术 学 院 专 业: 安全工程 设计题目: 古城矿120万吨新井设计 专 题: 古城矿矿井火灾预防和治理的应用与研究 指导教师: 职 称: 讲 师 2009年 6 月 徐州 摘 要 本设计包括三个部分:一般部分、专题部分和翻译部分。 一般部分矿万t/a新井设计井田南北长约,东西长约,井田总面积为2。主采煤层为号煤,平均倾角为,煤层平均总厚为m。井田地质条件较为简单井田工业储量为t,矿井可采储量t。矿井服务年限为a。矿井瓦斯涌出量较低,为低瓦斯矿井。井田水平,平标高为m。矿井通风方式为式通风。矿井年工作日为300 d,工作制度为“”制。一般部分共包括章:1.矿区概述及井田地质特征.井田开拓. 采煤方法-带区巷道布置.矿井通风与安全技术.安全技术措施 专题部分 为古城矿古城煤矿火灾预防与治理的应用与研究。以煤层火灾特点、自燃特性和现场观测为基础,加强煤层火灾的早期预测和预报,建立较完善的矿井防火灾系统,以堵漏、灌浆、注氮、均压和压注胶体为主要防火灾手段,注重采用先进的防火灾技术研究成果,对古城矿矿井灾进行综合防治。完善防火灾管理措施,提高职工安全意识,保障防火灾工作的有序进行。 翻译部分 题目为惰性气体防灭火 关键词:新井设计; 一通三防; 综合防灭火; 全套CAD图纸,联系153893706 ABSTRACT This design consists of three parts: the general part, the special part and translated part. The general part is a new design of Gu cheng mine, 1.2Mt/a. The N-S of the minefield is 3.5 km ,the W-E is about 4.8km,the area is 25㎞2.Thecoal seam is the main coal seam, and its dip angle is 14 degree. The thickness of the mine is about 5m in all. The geological structure of this area is simple. The proved reserves of the minefield are 114.24 million tons. The recoverable reserves are 101million tons. The designed productive capacity is 12 million tons percent year, and the service life of the mine is 64, years. The gas of the mine is low gaseous mine. The use of single-level mine shaft development, the level of elevation for-690m. With a district-wide arrangement of mine. For the central ventilation shaft ventilation tied. The working methods of the main fan for the out-type. Face the use of U-type ventilation. The working system “fore-six” is used in the Gucheng mine. It produced 300d/a. This design includes five chapters: 1.An outline of the mine field geology; 4.development engineering of coalfield; 3 The method used in coal mining and The layout of panels; 4. The ventilation of the mine; 5.The safety operation of the mine。


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