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青岛38元“天价大虾”(pricey prawn)事件一经曝光,引发了网友的热烈讨论,成为热点话题。这里的“天价”实际上昂贵的意思,可以用pricey/over-priced表示。上文中的rip-off是名词,在口语中可表达类似于汉语中“敲竹杠、宰客”的意思,其动词形式是rip off,原意是“偷、欺骗”。 该事件发生后,青岛市下达了对该店罚款9万元、责令停业整顿并吊销营业执照(revoke the restaurants license)的行政处罚告知,对青岛市市北区市场监管(market regulation)局主要负责人停职(suspension)检查。 消费者协会(China Consumers Association,CCA)的发言人表示,对不法经营(unlawful business operations)“零容忍”,敦促各地监管者及时处理消费者投诉(consumer complaints)建议建立旅游市场不法经营者黑名单制度,为消费者创造放心的旅游消费环境。 The ideal?zero-drag employee?is young, unmarried and childless with no responsibilities and an eagerness to do well. 理想的零阻力员工一般都年轻、未婚、无子女负担,而且渴望将工作做好。 In physics, drag refers to the resistance experienced by an object moving through a fluid medium (such as air). Zero drag is an ideal state where the object experiences no resistance at all, much like a highly motivated employee who has few personal responsibilities and so can work long hours, travel frequently, or be called in to work with little notice. 从物理学的角度看,drag指物体在穿过某种流体媒介(如空气)时受到的阻力,而zero drag则是描述物体不受任何阻力的理想状态。这种零阻力的状态就像工作热情极高又没有什么个人责任负担的员工,可以长时间工作、频繁出差、有任务随叫随到。 : 看,说,想,评论 speak, express, think E.g.: for example, such as □ 国家,机构nation,kingdom,organization; □∕□ 国家之间,机构之间;35 □s (35个国家) ☆重点,重视,主要的 important, key, chief, great $美元,钱,富裕的dollar, money, rich 1+1 合作 _: underlining a certain word/phrase to add to the mood of speech, indicating “emphasize” ~: trade, exchange, communication, relationship Symbols from alphabet Y 年year;. Y 去年;.2Y(2 years ago) M 月month; m 分钟 minute W周week;. W 上周;W. 下周 H小时 hour E 经济economy D 天day; d.(tomorrow); . 3d(three days ago); ..d前天;d..后天 G 政府 N: many, much, several Bz: business Co: company Abbreviations and acronyms Demo:demonstration演示,表演 Al: although Fz: finance Edu: education Info: information Infra: infrastructure Nz: news Tr: trade Tx: tax, taxation Ag: agriculture Congrats: congratulations Grad: graduates ….. International Organizations ADB: Asian Development Bank APEC: 亚洲和太平洋经济合作组织 ASEAN:东南亚国家联盟 CHR:Commission on Human Rights(联合国)人权委员


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