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In which aspects do these differences exist? throw a wet blanket on这个说法相当于中文里的一句俗语: 给人当头泼凉水。人们逐渐引伸了这个说法用a wet blanket来比喻把周围兴高采烈的人们都弄得热情冷却的一个人。然而wet blanket并不只是用来说人,也可以指事情。如: My friends and I were going to the beach this weekend for some sun and swimming. But the weather forecast threw a wet blanket on our plans — it says it’ll be rainy and cold. 我和朋友们原来打算这个周末去海滨晒太阳、游泳,但是天气预报却给我们当头泼了一瓢凉水。据说天要下雨而且很凉。 3. all ears 形容很专心地倾听,全神贯注 When someone is all ears, he or she is listening with complete attention. e.g. Whenever you tell Johnny some gossip, he’s all ears. 每当你说闲话给约翰尼听时,他总 是全神贯注。 ① We kids probably make a lot of noise when we are playing, but we are all ears when Irma sits down and begins to read to us. 我们这些孩子去玩耍时也许是吵吵嚷嚷的,可一当爱玛坐下来开始给我们讲故事时,我们就聚精会神地专心倾听。 ② “I couldn’t sleep a wink last night,” Andy said. “I was all ears listening to the sounds outside my tent in Country Park.” “昨晚我一点儿也没睡着,”安迪说,“我专心听着帐篷外郊野公园的动静。 4. to pull one’s leg 逗别人,开别人玩笑 e.g. My roommate said this girl had told him she wouldn’t mind going out with me. But when I invited her to a movie, I learned he was just pulling my leg. 我的室友说,那个女孩愿意和我一起出去玩。可是,当我请她去看电影的时候,我才发现我那同学是逗我,开我的玩笑。 Hey, stop pulling my leg, will you? I don’t believe that girl really said she likes me and would like me to take her out. 喂,你别逗我行不行!我才不信那个女 孩真的说了她喜欢我,还要我邀她出去 玩。 Presentation Part B 1. Mrs. Black’s garden is the best in our town. She has really green fingers. ________________________________ 2. He makes every decision in our company. He is the top dog. __________________________________ be good at gardening An important person in an organization 3. Why did you give her cold shoulder? You are good friends, aren’t you. ___________________________________ 4. I wish I had brought my umbrella. It’s raining cats and dogs. _______________________________ be not friendly with h



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