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36 3 Vol. 36 No. 3 2010 6 Journ l of L nzhou University of T echnology Jun. 2010 : 1673-5 196( 20 10) 03-0118-04 带屈曲约束支撑的轻钢加层框架减震分析 王秀丽, 张晓峰 ( , 730050) : 结合工程实例, 对底部钢筋混凝土框架上部钢结构框架的加层结构进行减震 析. 首先利用ANSYS 软件输 入地震波对整体结构进行弹性时程 析, 对不满足规范层间位移角限值的楼层设置屈曲约束支撑, 最后在罕遇地 震作用下进行验算. 结果表明, 添加屈曲约束支撑后, 加层结构的层间位移角均能满足规范的要求, 体现了屈曲约 束支撑良好的耗能减震性能. : 屈曲约束支撑; 层间位移角; A NSY S 软件; 时程 析 : T U311 : A Ant-i seismic analysis of buckling restraining brace supprtedlight-weight steel frames for buiding reconstruction with storely-adding WA NG Xiu-li, ZHA NG Xi o- feng ( College of Civil Engineering, L nzhou Un iv. of T ech. , L nzhou 730050, Chin ) Abstract: Aimed t n ctu l engineer ing project, the nti-seismic n lysis w s performed for storey- dding structure composed of stee-l r einfor ced concrete fr me t the bottom nd steel structu l fr me t the top. The el stic time history n ly sis of the entire construction w s c rr ied out fir st by using softw re AN- SYS to input the seismic w ve nd, then, the buckling restr ining br ces w ere inst lled in those building storey s w here the ngul r shift threshold between tw o storeys did not gr ee w ith the norm s. Fin lly, the construction w s checked for the c se of uncommon seismic ction. T he result show ed th t, by dding the buckling restr ining br ces, the shift ngle betw een storeys w ith storey- dding structure ll greeded w ith the requirement of the nor ms nd the fine energy-consumption nd nt-i seismic perform nce of the buckling restr ining br ces w s m nifested. Key words: buckling r estr ining br ce; storey-to-storey shift; softw re A NSYS; time history n ly sis , .



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