
高三英语adventure in literature and the cinema教案4.pptx

高三英语adventure in literature and the cinema教案4.pptx

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高三英语adventure in literature and the cinema教案4

高二年级第一学期英语学科教学案;Thekids are always playing tricks on their teacher.;恩历险记》是以 19 世纪中期的美国为背景的。;be in a good/ bad mood 情绪好/不好 be in no mood for stj /to do sth 没心情做某事 be in a mood 心情不好 be in one of one’s moods 闹情绪;情绪不好 She’s very tied, and in no mood for dancing. 她很累,没心情跳舞。 Theteacher is in a bad mood today. 她闹情绪了。;5. Mark Twain, who wrote The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn and The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, was no exception. 创作了《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》和《汤姆·索亚历险记》的马克·吐温也不 例外。 exception n.除外;例外;反对;异议 Thereis an exception to this grammatical rule. 这条语法规则有个例外。 Most children like sweet, but thereare someexceptions.大多数孩子喜欢吃糖果,但也有些例外。;without exception 毫无例外的;一律;(1)Thespelling of theword is __________________(一个有趣的例子) ( to the rule.);重,但是后来,我们得到了老师们的帮助。;To be frank, I don’t want to seeher. 说真的,我不想见到她。 (1) ________________(毫无疑问)your adviceis of great value. (To be sure);They’ll set off on a journey around the world. We set off for London just after ten.;特牛网/ 特牛网 却鬻阬


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