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Invitation Card 请柬广泛应用于宴会、晚会、 舞会、婚丧嫁娶和开幕式、闭幕式等场合。正式请柬要用第三人称,不需要称呼和结束语等项。 回帖:请柬中的RSVP ( or: r.s.v.p ) 是法语缩写词,相当于please reply, 意思是“请答复”。被邀请人收到正式请柬后,应及时答复,以表示接受或谢绝。如果接受,先要表示谢意,然后再写明应邀出席的时间和地点;如果谢绝,应先致以歉意,然后再说明不能出席的原因。回帖的格式与请帖相同。 Sample A ( 请柬 ) INVITATION CARD Mr. and Mrs. Denise Peter request the pleasure of the company of Mr. and Mrs. John Adams at a dinner party in celebration of their daughter’s eighteenth birthday Saturday , the twelfth of April at 7:00p.m 68 Oxford Street , London RSVP Telephone:Mr. and Mrs. John Adams accept with pleasure Mr. and Mrs. Denise Peter’s kind invitation to a dinner party in celebration of their daughter’s eighteenth birthday Saturday , the twelfth of April At 7:00 p.m. 68 Oxford Street, London Mr. and Mrs. John Adams regret that a previous engagement prevents their acceptance of the kind invitation of Mr. and Mrs. Denise Peter to a dinner party in celebration of their daughter’s eighteenth birthday Saturday, the twelfth of April at 7:00 p.m. 68 Oxford Street, London 实 战 练 习 根据提示写一封英文请柬。 提示1: Smith夫妇邀请Johnson夫妇参加女儿Jane与Sidney Miller先生的婚宴(wedding reception)。 时间:5月1日12点30分,星期一。地点:55 Clark Lane, Hillsdale。电话:7658452 INVITATION CARD Mr. and Mrs. Smith request the pleasure of the company of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson at a dinner party in celebration of their daughter Jane and Sidney Miller’s wedding Monday , the first of May at 12:30 a.m. 55 Clark Lane , Hillsdale RSVP Telephone: 7658452 作业: A. Write an invitation card, using the information given below. 请柬 兹订于2010年12月31日(星期五)晚上七点半在教学楼102 教室举行新年晚会。敬请肖晓燕老师光临。 华南大学计算机系 09325 班全体学生 B. Write a reply to accept or to decline the above invitation. Memo 备忘录是一直简短的文书,用于提醒、督促相关者,根据事先计划执行某项任务或完成某项工作或事务。公务备忘录通常包括标题、收阅人信息、发件人信息、日期、事由、正文等部分。 Sample Memo To:


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